Chapter 4

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I ran inside and curled up under my blankets. I felt like a child hiding under the blankets. I didn't want be part of a news article that the paparazi printed for money. Niall and I were good friends and that was it. I shook my head as I realised maybe it wasn't, I sighed and threw the blankets off as I started getting ready for work.

"Lilly?" Niall asked softly knocking on the door.

"Come in Niall," I said as I pulled my blonde hair into a ponytail.

"Are you okay? Why'd you run away?"

"Sorry Niall it's not you it's actually me being stupid." It was better than saying it's not you it's me. I didn't want Niall to get the wrong idea and kissing him wasn't going to help. Niall walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. My heart pounding my rib cage to be let go.

"I really like you Lilly," he whispered into my ear. I turned around in his arms putting my hands on his chest.

"Niall I'm really really sorry but I don't like you," I said. His baby blue eyes watering. I hated to see him like this.

He shook his head as he let me go. I watched as he walked over to get his clothes. When he was dressed I watched as he slowly walked out of my room, his head hung low and his blonde hair covering his eyes. I bit my lip feeling guilty. I ran after him as he walked down the street.

"Niall?!" I shouted as I ran after him. He stopped turning around to face me as I stopped in front of him. I hunched over as I tried to catch my breath. When I finally had my breathing in order I stood up and kissed his cheek.

"Sorry," I whispered before walking away. As I walked away I felt something break. I don't know why though. It couldn't be because of Niall, I didn't like him like that. He was just a good friend.

As I climbed up the stairs and into my house I realised I was going to be late to work. I sighed as I grabbed everything I needed before grabbing my car keys, I locked the door and walked to my black Volvo. It was old and had a few dints and scratches but it worked like an angel.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now