Chapter 36

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Niall's POV

I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. I climbed out of bed and quickly answered my phone.

"Hello?" I answered. I looked at Lilly sleeping peacefully with her ring on. A smile creeping to my face.

"Niall?" George's voice came from the other end. My heart started racing quickly. Shit, I forgot he was calling me! I mentally face palmed myself. I breathed in deeply to compose myself.

"Yes?" I said as I walked to the other room so Lilly wouldn't hear anything.

"I don't like the stunt you pulled. Three in a day Niall? Really?"

I frowned as I counted what I did wrong.

"What are you talking about George?" I asked. If I played stupid maybe he'd pity me. But George wasn't a fool.

"Let's tick them off shale we?"

"I'm listening."

"You announced that you and Lilly were in a relationship?"

"I did."

"You announced that she's pregnant?"

"Yup," I said, popping the 'P'.

"Also you made a Twit-cam about the hate she's been sent?"

Oh so that was the third thing, gosh I was forgetful. "Indeed I did."

"Niall either you ditch her or I'll make her."

"Can you hang on a sec George? You caught me off gaurd. I need to pee," I lied.


I put the phone down for a second and sprinted to the boys room across from us. I banged on the door until Liam answered.

"Hey," he yawned.

"George is on the phone wake up the boys and I'll bring the phone in here alright?"

"Will do," Liam said. He turned around and started waking them up. I ran back into the room and picked up the phone before sprinting back.

"Niall are you finished yet?" George asked.

"Not yet just a second. Have to wash ma hands." When the boys were finally sitting around the table I put it on loud speaker before I answered him again. "George I finished."

"Alright so what was with the stunts?"

"Sorry George can you start all over again please?"

"Fine. Just for you Niall. First you announced that you're still with Lilly, then you announced that she's pregnant and then you did a Twit-cam about the hate. Niall you are either breaking up with her now or I will make sure that she does," George said angrily.

"George are you married?"

"Yes you know that."

"Do you have a child or children?"


"Well imagine you're in a boy band like I am. You and your girlfriend are happy and someone says no I won't let you two be together because you're girlfriend isn't famous and isn't even pretty and so on. Say you two decide to stay together and your girlfriend gets pregnant be accident, both of you are happy so you announce it to the world. When the world finds out they start saying shit about her that you don't appreciate so you try to convince them that she is a wonderful person. What would you do George?"

"I don't know Niall but this isn't about me, it's about you," he groaned.

"But I'm making you see how it is from my point of view, and no matter what you do or throw at us I will stay with Lilly because I love her. I love this band too but either I have Lilly with me and be in the band or I will ditch the band for her. And nothing you say or do will stop me from leaving her. So really George the fate is in your hands," I spoke. I waited silently with the boys to see what he'd say.

"Fine," you can stay with her," he groaned. I smiled at my victory.

"Good. Oh and George?"


"I'm engaged anyway," I smirked.

"Urgh. Goodnight Niall," he said before hanging up.

I laughed as the boys cheered and hugged me. I smiled as they all congratulated me.

"Thanks guys but I have a sleeping beauty waiting for me in bed," I smiled before heading back to my room. I closed the door before climbing into bed with Lilly. Her arms wrapping around me. She must've noticed that I'd left. She smiled up at me. I smiled and pulled her closer, crashing my lips on hers.

"Hey," she whispered.

"Hey. How come you're awake?" I asked.

"My pillow was gone," Lilly giggled as she hugged me.

"Oh so I'm a pillow now?" I asked with raised eyebrows.


"Alright then. Guess what?"


"George doesn't care anymore. We're allowed to be together!" I said happily.


"Really," I said as I kissed her nose. "Now go to sleep."

"Fine," she said. I smiled as she buried her into my chest. It wasn't long before she was fast asleep.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now