Chapter 12

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I laid on my bed and thought of what I really wanted to do right now. I had finished work early today. I guess my boss Rick was deciding he wouldn't be a dick to me today. I sat up and walked around my house. Harry had said he was going to come by at four o'clock. Well it was fou o'clock now. What was taking him so long? I sat in my study and started wrighting down what I thought Harry was bullshiting about. I started wrighting down possiblities.


Mass Murder





Guy that I really like

I smiled at the last one. Yup definitly the last one. I smiled as my fingers ran over my lips again. I closed my eyes and remembered his soft butterfly kisses from last night. I giggled as I remembered our night in bed. I stood up and walked to the knocking on my door. I opened it to see Niall standing there. Red eyes and a runny nose from crying. I pulled him into a hug.

"Nialler what's wrong?! Who upset you?! I'll kick their ass," I said making him look at me. He smiled weakly.

"Unless your willing to kick managements ass then don't worry. It's nothing Lil," Niall walked past me and head straight for the kitchen. I closed the door and walked in there after him. I smiled as he went and sat on the kitchen counter, swinging his legs like a little child.

"Hey," I said pulling his gaze back up to my face. He looked at me with his eyes full of sadness. I could feel my heart breaking slightly at the sight of him. "Niall tell me whats wrong please," I begged grasping his face in my hands. He shook his head and kissed my lips softly before walking away. I frowned and walked back into my study. I closed the door and dialed Harry's number.

"Ya 'lo?"

"Harry?!" I asked quickly.

"No it's Louis what's up Lilly?" Louis' voice echoed through my phone. I sighed.

"Lou do you know why Niall's so upset?" I asked.

"Lil Harry want's to tell you or he said Niall has to tell you."

"Well Niall's not telling me anything and Harry was meant to be here half an hour ago!" I said.

"Sorry love, he said he was leaving his phone hear so that management couldn't contact him when he came to see you. Sorry Lilly."

"Louis can you please just tell me? Please? Niall won't tell me anything. He walked into the kitchen and didn't touch a single bit of food. He isn't speaking. He's just mopping around and I'm worried."

"Fine," Louis gasped. "George wants all of us to get a celebrity girlfriend that the fans will like. We all knew you and Niall were in some sort of relationship even if he didn't say anything about it. But anyway Niall said no because he already has a girlfriend, AKA you. So George said you have to get a celebrity girlfriend. Niall threw his gitaur at me by accident and said that he either stayed with you and anncounced your relationship or would leave the band. Niall was walking out and George shouted that he might as well leave the band now because he didn't want a girl as ugly as you going out with a star like Niall," Louis stopped to catch his breath.

I stood there mouth open as the phone slipped from my hand. I knew I wasn't that pretty but was I really that unattractive. I snapped into reality as I heard Louis voice coming from the phone. I bent down and picked it up.

"Lilly you still okay?" Louis asked.

"Sorry I dropped the phone. Louis?"


"Can you keep a secret please?" I asked nervously. I was going to hate myself forever after this.

"Sure what is love?" Louis asked.

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