Chapter 18

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I yawned. My neck aching from last night and yesterday. I opened my eyes to see Niall gone. I frowned. Where was he? I climbed out of bed and put on my silk dressing gown. I stopped in front of the lounge room. I stayed near the archway as I listened to Niall talking to Harry.

"Niall, George is furious with you," Harry spoke.

"Why? It was his decision so I left for a better one. Harry you know I love you guys but I love Lilly more. I want to be here. With her. To get married, have a family and grow old with her. Can't you see Harry no matter how strong this disease is I will defeat it and I will be with Lilly," I could hear Niall's voice breaking. What disease did he have that no one was telling me about? Why was it such a big secret?

"But Harry you know that if you have children you might not be able to see them achieve things. Lilly would have to do everything herself. You can't be with Lilly, Niall. If you got married to Lilly imagine how heartbroken she'd be."

"Stop it Harry! I love her and I'd do anything for her. Anything, even just to be at her side."

"Fine Niall I give up. You can continue on like this and break her heart later or you can break it now so she doesn't hurt as much in the long run," Harry said before storming past me and slamming my door closed. I stood there, I had heard Harry's car tires screech away from my house but that didn't stop the shock. I walked out from where I was standing and walked towards Niall.

"How much did you hear?" Niall asked as I wrapped my arms around him. His head was buried in his hands.

"Alot to know why Harry thinks I shouldn't be with you. But I'm not going to leave you Niall. I," I bit my lip. "I love you," I whispered as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too Lilly," Niall looked up at me and kissed my lips softly. His lips touching mine like butterfly wings.

I giggled as Niall pulled me onto his lap. I moaned as his lips slowly kissed my skin. Inch by inch.

"Niall," I groaned. My fingers twisting in his hair as his kisses came down to my stomach. "Do you want breakfast?" That was all it took. He jumped up and sprinted for the kitchen. I laughed andchased after him. I squealed as he picked me up from behind.

"Put me down!" I squealed.

"What's the magic word Lilly?" he teased.

"I'll make you a sandwich?"

"Nope," he spun me around again making me squeal even louder.


"Not even close Lilly. Who taught you these lame magic words Lil?"

"My Dad."

"Would you like to know the magic word?"

"Yes," I squealed again.

"The magic words are 'I love you Niall so I'll get you some food'," I laughed. How original of Niall.

"I'll right I'll go make you some food Niall. I love you."

"Yay," Niall cheered as he put me down on my feet. I giggled and started cracking eggs and cutting bacon.

"Hey Niall can we see my Dad today?" I asked as I flipped the bacon. I turned around to let it sizzle. Niall was busy making tea. I giggled as Niall turned around and hugged me.

"Anything for you Lilly. Hey I thought you had work," Niall said frowning.

"I did but yesterday Louis had to call in work for me. He said that I had a few weeks leave. So no I don't have work," I said as I kissed his lips softly.

"Wonderful, I can take you out for a while. Which means lots of us time," Niall said as he kissed my ear softly.

"No that means we can see my Dad, Niall," I said as I kissed his lips.

"Mmmmmmm, fine, we leave in two hours."

I giggled and served up breakfast. Niall and I sat down at the table and began eating. I laughed as Niall made fun of his food. Great, now Niall needs to meet my Dad. But I haven't talked to him for ages.....

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