Chapter 31

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Guys, just a suggestion. Listen to Heart Attack in the background. Otherwise, enjoy :)

Harry's POV

"WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?!" I shouted. I'd just heard Liam speaking to Lilly before. Saying congratulations. There was usually only one reason someone said that to women. And that was if they were pregnant. I know I'm probably assuming but knowing Niall he might've forgotten the most important thing about having sex. Protection.

"Harry, sweetheart why are you shouting at your friends?" my mother asked.

"Well guys?!" I shouted again. Ignoring my mum.

"Harry, calm down first of all. Lilly didn't want you to know. She said you'd get angry. Now we understand that she was telling the truth," Louis said. No, not Lilly. Of all people, why her?

I ran past them and out of my mothers house. I ran until my knees made me drop to the ground. I sat there sobbing. I loved her. And she was with Niall instead. Knocked up. I never even had a chance to tell her my feelings. I looked up to see the boys pull up beside me in the van. The door slid open and they jumped up and ran to me.

Niall's POV

Lilly sat beside me. We'd decided to go to the doctors to see what they'd say. I looked at her as she fidgeted around.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked. She looked at me. Green eyes wide and filled with worry.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" she asked. I took off my sunglasses and kissed her lips softly.

"Just wondering," I whispered when I pulled away.

"Lilly Ann Eyre?" a lady called. She jumped. I chuckled softly and stood up with her. We followed the lady down a hallway. I looked at Lilly who cept looking around. Scared like a deer in headlights. Our hands entwined as we walked into the doctors office.

"Hello Miss Eyre and Mr. Horan. What can I do for you two today?" the doctor asked as we sat down. I looked at Lilly who looked worried still. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"My girlfriend and I would like to have an ultrasound," I said to the middle aged doctor.

"Alright then I'll go get someone to get the room ready. I'll just be a minute," he said before getting up and walking out of the room.

"Lilly what's wrong?" I asked. My thumb brushing back and forth on her hand.

"I'm scared. What if when the babies born you leave because it's too much? You'll always be away on tour and the baby won't know it's father. Niall I'm scared," Lilly said. Tears forming in her eyes.

"Lilly I love you and no one else. We'll make something work when I'm on tour. You'd be amazed how good technology is. We can skype everyday if we have to. Or you can come on tour with me alright? Don't worry about it," I said pulling her into a hug.

"If you're ready come with me please," the doctor said. Lilly pulled away and wiped the tears away before standing up with me. Her hand squeezing mine as we walked up to the altrasound room. "Miss Eyre if you could lie down on this table please." She walked over to the bench and laid down. "When was the last time you had you're period?" he asked as the machine slowly turned on.

"Um. The last time I had it was the sixth I believe," she said.

"When did it end?"

"Um. The 10th."

"Okay so did you have sex after your period end?"

I could see Lilly's cheeks heating up. "Yes."

"Okay then well I'm guessing you're about maybe six weeks into your pregnancy but I could be wrong. You could be further or you might be less. Just depends," he said.

I watched as he got out some form of stick with a ball on the end of it. I frowned as he put some form of jelly like substance on it.

"Alright Miss Eyre, can you please pull your shirt up please so that I can have acess to the bladder region?" Lilly tugged her yellow top over her stomach so that it rested underneath her breats.

She gasped as the stick was placed on her stomach. Lilly's hand gripping mine. I stepped closer to her and kissed her cheek. She smiled at me.

"Alright well if you look here," the doctor pointed to a small dot on the screen. "You can see your baby. It may be twins but we can't hear the heartbeat yet because the child hasn't developed enough for that, yet. Also you're almost at six weeks into the pregnancy."

I looked at the screen. A tiny little dot that was our baby. Ours. I looked at Lilly who was gaping at the screen.

"Would you like a picture?" the doctor asked.

"Yes," Lilly and I said in sync.

"Alrighty I'll go print one out then. I'll also write down a checklist for you during your pregnancy and when you should come back for a check-up," he said. He quickly cleaned Lilly's stomach of the jell and the stick before walking out.

"That's our baby Lilly," I said to her, smiling like an idiot.

"I hope he has your smile," she said. I kissed her lips softly. She sat up and wrapped hers arms around me.

"Miss Eyre here is a check-up sceduel and a check list of what you should consider. If you have some questions just ask. Also here's two photos for both of you," he said.

"Thank you," Lilly said as she collect the papers and the photos. She grabbed my hand and led me out of the building.

"I love you Niall," she said. Jumping into my arms. I laughed and held her tightly.

"I love you too Lilly," I whispered into her ear.

"You're parents are really nice by the way," she giggled.

We'd seen my parents before we came to the doctors. My mother had been the one who suggested to come to the doctors. So we did.

"I'm glad you like them. My Mum simply adores you. Even though she's only met you once," I said.

"She's a really nice lady. How'd she get a child who farts so much?" she teased. I sighed as I put her down and opened the door for her. She frowned before climbing in. When I got around to the drivers seat I closed the door and locked the other doors as I started up the engine.

"Are you okay?"

As the car started moving I farted. Loud and smelly. I smiled at Lilly who was pretending to die. "Now I feel better," I said as I rolled down the windows.

"Eww! Niall that was gross, I hope our child doesn't fart like that," Lilly exclaimed.

"You love me. And you'll love the baby even if it farts like me Lilly," I said, softly patting her stomach.

"I know."

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