Chapter 28

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I sat on the bed wringing out my wet hair with a towel. A smile still playing at my lips. I laughed as Niall strutted around the hotel naked and pulling funny poses. I laughed as he walked over. Flopping onto the bed beside me making me bounce on the end of the bed. I laughed and leaned back beside him. I snuggled up next to his naked torso and listened to his heartbeat.

"Why'd you leave Lilly?" Niall asked gently as his arms wrapped around me. His lips brushing against my forehead. I looked up at him when he stopped. His eyes full of concern as he looked at me.

"You wouldn't believe me," I whispered, looking away from his gaze. I rolled away from him so he wouldn't see the tears building up in my eyes.

"I would Lilly. I promise you I will always believe you," he whispered into my ear. His head burying into my neck.

I laid there silently as Niall waited for an answer. I would have believed he was asleep if it weren't for the soft kisses on my neck. I sighed as his lips reached my jaw. I giggled as he reached my weak point.

"You ticklish?" he asked.

"No!" I squealed as his hands hit my ticklish points. Torturing my laughter. My legs frailing around as I tried to push him off. "No, Stop!" I laughed as he stopped tickling me. I laughed as his lips crashed down on mine. We both pulled away as someone knocked on the door.

"I'm getting it," he whispered.

He got up and wrapped a towel around his lower half and opened the door to have Louis scream and throw clothes at him. I laughed as Niall picked up his clothes. Louis ran in and ripped off the towel as soon as the door was closed. I lay on the bed laughing at them. I looked up to see Niall shrug and pull his underwear on. He shimmed into his pants before realising Louis had his shirt. I giggled as Niall chased Louis around the apartment. I laughed when Niall tackled him to the ground and tried to get his shirt back. Niall stood up. Vitorious in getting his shirt back. He tugged it over his head and stuck his tug out at Louis. I jumoed up and ran to Niall. His arms wrapping around me as I wrapped my legs around his torso. I giggled as his lips connested with mine. We pulled apart as Louis cleared his throat. I unwrapped my legs and landed back on the ground. I blushed, looking at the ground.

"Hey Lilly I need to talk to you. Sorry Niall I'm gonna have to borrow her for a bit okay?" Louis didn't wait for an answer. He just grabbed my arm and lead me outside of the room.

"How'd you go with Harry?" I asked.

"He knows." I started at Louis. Shocked. Angry. Upset. And a whole lot of other emotions too.

"How'd he find out? Louis!" I groaned.

"When you called Liam, Harry went to go see what drink Liam had and he somehow overheard. I'm sorry Lilly. But we all know he was going to find out. Now it's just a matter of time before Ni knows too. Lilly you might as well tell him now," Louis said. I stood there. Staring into nothingness.

"I'll tell him before you go on tour. That way he has to go. He won't be able to change the dates Louis."

"That'll just make him worry though. He'll beg you to come on tour and if you say no then he'll know there's something up."

"Louis I'm sorry but I'm doing it my way. I'm sorry. Thank you though for all this though," I said sadly.

He nodded his head knowing I wasn't changing my mind. "Okay then. Well I'm taking El out for awhile. So you two have fun," Louis said with a wink before walking off. I laughed and walked back inside. Niall's arms wrapping around me.

"Let's go to the movies," he suggested.

"Why not? As long as I can pick the movie!" I said.

"Fine," Niall groaned. I laughed as we grabbed our stuff before heading off to the movies

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