Chapter 11

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<pre><span style="font-size: 13pt;"><span style="font-family: arial;">I buried my head in Niall's side trying to get comfortable again.

I'd been dreaming. It was such a wonderful dream but I'm not

sure what I'd been dreaming about. I think it was something to

do with Niall. As I slowly started falling back asleep Niall

shot straight up as his phone began ringing. I groaned

and buried my head into the pillows as Niall answered his

phone. I groaned as I sat up to see Niall standing bare

butt in my doorway. I giggled as I stood up and wrapped

the sheets around me. I walked over and wrapped my arms

around his torso.

"Yeah yeah. Ok ok I get it. Harry get off my arse I'll be there,"

Niall said in his thick Irish accent.

I giggled as he leaned down and kissed my lips softly making

me smile.

"Harry I get it okay? I'll be there for the recording so get off ya

high horse," Niall said irritated.

I giggled as he leaned down and crashed his lips on mine.

I smiled into the kiss as our lips kissed in sync.

"Niall? Niall are you still there? Niall who are you kissing?

What are you doing Niall?!" Harry's raspy voice spoke through

Niall's phone.

I pulled away and stole Niall's phone feeling giddy and brave.

"Hey Hazz," I said shyly.

"Lilly? Lilly why do you have Niall's phone wait were you kissing Niall?!"

I laughed surprised it took him so long to figure it out. "Lilly don't be with Niall.

You don't want to be involved in his situation."

I frowned and ran out of my bed room heading to the only room that had a lock on the door.

The bathroom. I locked the door and sat on the floor. Gripping Niall's iPhone 5 in my hand.

I pulled it up to my ear as the tears started swelling in my eyes.

"Harry? Are you still there?" I asked shakily.

"Lilly don't get involved with Niall. The only thing you don't want is trouble and

stress in your life. I beg you Lilly listen to me for once and don't be with Niall. It's

a situation that will only get you hurt," Harry pleaded.

I shook my head as the tears fell free of their prison. I felt weak as the tears turned into

rivers. No I wasn't going to lose him. Not this time.

"Well Harry if its so important to you that I'm not with Niall than you can tell me why I shouldn't

be with him," I said as my voice broke.

"Lil this isn't the time to discuss this alright? I'll talk to you after recording alright? Just you and me?"

"Fine but it better be a good reason or I swear to god I'll punch you," I hung up and sat there.

"Lilly? Lilly are you okay? Lilly open the door please," Niall's voice came from the other side of the door.

I stood up and unlocked the door before going to tun on the shower. I gasped as his arms snaked

around me. His head nudged mine to the side as he started trailing kisses along my collar bones. I sighed

as his lips worked their way up to my jaw.

"Do want to shower alone or do ya want me to join ya?" Niall's Irish voice making me melt.

"Join me. Please. I don't want to shower alone right now," I murmured.

"Okay," Niall said.

His arms leaving me as he climbed into the shower. I climbed in behind him. His arms pulling

me into an embrace. I stood there with my arms wrapped around him. I could still feel the tears

falling but the shower was washing them away each time they appeared. I looked up at Niall smiling

down at me. I tried smiling only to fail.

"Hey why were you crying? Lilly you know you can tell me anything okay?" Niall said. I

just nodded and buried my head into his chest as more tears fell free.

Niall's POV

"Lilly I'm sorry I can't stay tonight okay? I'll see you tomorrow for dinner alright?" I said to Lilly in the


"Niall it's fine just go okay? I trust you okay? If you have to be at recording for a few days its fine Niall

seriously. Plus I have to work anyway," Lilly said softly.

I sighed. "Fine."

"Bye Nialler," she giggled.

"I'll see you tomorrow though alright? Just you and me for dinner?" I asked again.

"Yes Niall, now go you have shit to do."

As I went to speak again the phone line went dead. I sighed and walked over to the

other boys who were laughing at something. I walked over to them and started playing the guitar for our new song

'One Way Or Another'.

"Gentlemen we have some great news for you all," our management George announced. I stopped playing and

looked up at him.

"Well what is it then?" Zayn said. He was never one to wait patiently.

"We need you all to get a girlfriend. A hot celebrity that your fans will like."

Harry and Louis started laughing.

"What's so bad about the idea?"

"The some of the fans will hate the celebrity and some will love her," I spoke up.

"Oh well then," George said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I already have a girlfriend and I'm not ditching her just to make you happy George. I did it before and I'm not doing

it again. I care about her and I'm not breaking her heart just for a publicity stunt you want me to pull," I said angrily.

"Niall you will do what I say or else there will be problems."

I stood up throwing the guitar. "Fine I'm quitting then. Either I stay with my girlfriend or I will leave One Direction and no amount of money will make me come back George. So really the choice is yours," I said as I walked out of the


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