Chapter 24

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"Lilly are you sure about this?" Liam's voice spoke through the speaker.

"I'm sure Liam. I just really need to get away from here," I sighed.

"Okay then. You're going to, New York. Have fun. I'll get Louis to take you to the airport okay?"

"Thanks again Liam."

"Welcome Lil," he said before the line went dead.

I hadn't made it to Susan's house. I'd ran a block or two and then I was throwing up in someone's garden causing me to run back home. I grabbed a bag and packed my clothes. As I finished I heard a car horn. I raced down the stairs with my bags and out to the van. The door was open. I threw in my bags and climbed in the front beside Louis.

"Hey love," Louis said as he pulled away from my house.

"Hey Lou. Thanks by the way," I said quietly.

"You okay Lilly? You look really pale. You aren't sick are you?"

Sick. The word made me feel disgusted.

"Pull over!" I shouted. As soon as the car was near the gutter I opened the door and puked again. Great. I'm sick.

"I don't think you should get on that flight Lil. Not if you're like this," Louis said. His hand holding back my hair as he handed me a napkin.

"Thanks Lou but I'm fine," I said as I wiped away the vomit.

"No you're not. I'm taking you home and you are going to stay in your bed until you feel better. Okay?"

"Can I please not go back to my house? I don't want to go back to where I have reminders of Niall," I said as I sat back up, closing the door.

"Okay then. I'll book you into a hotel and one of us will come check on you okay?"

"Okay," I whispered.

I sat quietly in the front seat as Louis drove to a hotel. I sighed as he signed me into one of those big fancy ones. Louis took some of my bags and led me to my room. He dumped the bags on the floor and looked at me.

"Well I have to go alright Lilly?"Louis asked.

"Yeah okay. Bye Lou," I said as he left my room.

I frowned and pulled out my laptop and started typing in some words.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now