Chapter 23

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As soon as the door clocked closed I leaned against it. Sliding down to the wooden floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest as a lump formed in the back of my throat. I breathed in, trying to calm myself as the tears fell free again. My fingers twisting in my long hair and tugging at it. I let the lump in the back of my throat turn into a wail and another session of sobs. I sat there, sobbing into my knees. I stopped myself as a fit of hiccups took over. I wiped away the tears with my shirt and stood up. Brushing my hair our of my face. I got up and walked over to the kitchen. My heart felt like a knife was piercing through it as memories of Niall came crashing down on me like a tidal wave. I shook my head and grabbed something to eat. I grabbed some food and made a small make shift dinner. I sat down at the table and imagined I was eating with Niall. I threw my bowl at where he would've been sitting and ran out of the room. I grabbed a jacket and ran out the front door. It was too painful there. I needed to get away. Somewhere where I wouldn't be reminded of Niall. I ran to the only house I could think to run to. Susan.

Niall's POV

"Niall you have to come back. The boys won't do any of the recordings and their refusing to do anything until you come back," Paul begged. He'd called me, begging me to go back to the band and join the boys again. I didn't want to. Maybe being famous wasn't as good as it was made out to be.

"Paul," I started.

"Niall what is it that you want?! I'll make sure George bends the rules so that you can be single or with Lilly or whatever you want Niall!" Paul said sounding exasperated.

"Just give me some time to think all right Paul? This isn't a minute dissicion," I said before hanging up.

I flopped onto my bed and thought about everything that'd happened. Lilly had been kidnapped and then came back to me the next day and broken up with me. Maybe I'd put her through some kind of danger. I don't know how though. How could I have put her in danger? My thoughts wondered. If I joined the band maybe I could get away from this hell hole. Well we were going on tour soon. I flipped through my contacts and dialled Paul's number. He answered on the third ring.

"Niall? Why'd you hang up?" Paul demanded politely. He was like that. Never rude when he was anger but polite.

"I'll come back to the band on one condition Paul," I said. I felt like my heart was being squeezed by an imaginary hand.

"Really?! I mean great. What's the condition Niall?"

I breathed in a jagged breath before speaking.

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