Chapter 6

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As we entered the club I felt like I was under-dressed for the situation. I tugged on Harry's arm as we entered. I was worried.

"Harry I didn't dress up nice enough," I shouted over the music.

"No you didn't dress up enough but who cares, you look more beautiful than most of the celebrities here. And they all were about 50 pounds of make-up," Harry exagerated. I laughed at him for exagerating, it helped a little though. I smiled feeling confidence build up inside of me. Like a shot of adrenaline. I pull on Liam's arm convincing him to dance with me. When he finally agrees Susan goes off to dance with someone famous. Making it so that it's just Liam and I dancing. I laughed as we danced around until niether of us could dance anymore. We laughed as we got a drink.

"Liam?" I shouted.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Can we talk somewhere more quieter please?" He nodded his head and grabbed my hand. He lead my through the house and up three sets of floors until we came to a balcony over looking a beautiful forest.

"What'd you want to talk about Lilly?" he asked as he sipped his drink.

"I- I," I paused not sure what I should say exactly. Should I just ask him out or say I like you? I could really use that adrenaline right now.

"What is it Lilly?" Liam's voice brought me back into reality.

"I like you," I blurted out.

"Oh, um okay," Liam said, his voice full of shock as he took in what I said.

"Sorry Liam, Harry convinced me to tell you and," I started rambling.

"Lil it's okay. I like you too," he whispered. I smiled as a blush raced to my cheeks. "Wanna leave this party right now?" he suggested.

"And where would we go Liam?"

"Anywhere you want. Just as long as we get away from here." I thought about it. Get away from a party and get to be with Liam while doing so? Why not?

"Lets go then," I giggled as he pulled me through the house again.

I laughed as we ran out of the house running in the british rain. I laughed as we ran down the main road, the rain slowly soaking us to the bone. I laughed as Liam stopped and spun us around. I giggled as he pulled me in closer. His arms encricling me as my heart sped up to a hundred miles an hour. As our foreheads touched our lips became closer and closer until they touched. My heart pounded as our lips moved in sync. My arms wrapped around his neck as  his hand held onto my lower back while the other knotted in my hair. His lips were soft like butterfly wings. We pulled away and laughed slightly. I looked into his chocolate brown puppy eyes and felt myself melt. I smiled and looked down at the ground. I was soaked and we hadn't gotten far from the house.

"Lilly? Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Liam asked. I looked up as I giggled at him.

"Yes," I whispered.

His hands slipped down from my hair and lower back to entwine with my fingers as we hailed a taxi. When we got back to the flat I giggled as I Liam dragged me inside laughing. I laughed as I tripped over my feet as we made our way to Liam's room. I giggled as the alcohol rushed to my head. The shot of adrenaline kicking in as Liam closed his door to the world. He turned to me taking off his shirt. I giggled a bit as he advanced towards me. His hands tugging at the hem of my shirt. I shook my head.

"No Liam," even though I was tipsy it didn't mean I didn't know when someone wanted sex.

"Come on Lil, you and me. Together, we both want this I know we do," he whispered seductively in my ear.

"Liam no!" I shouted shoving him away.

"Lil," Liam begged. I shook my head as tears formed in my eyes. I shoved past him and opened the door walking out. I could hear Liam chasing after me. I spun around and yelled at him.

"Don't touch me Liam Payne. You only asked to go out with me tonight so that you could have sex with me. I actually have feelings too you know, and guess what?! I liked you alot. But just because I've had alcohol doesn't mean I'm a complete idiot, so stay the hell away from me and don't ever touch me again," I said before storming out.

I hailed a cab and headed home to see Niall sitting on my front steps with a bunch of flowers. I paid the driver, jumping out of the cab, I ran over to Niall. Tears streaming down my cheeks. He stood up and caught me as I flung myself into his arms and sobbed. He rubbed my back and took my keys, unlocking the door and taking both of us inside. I sobbed into Nialls chest as he rubbed my back saying soothing things. Before I finally fell asleep.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now