Chapter 30

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I sat on the bed and watched as Niall lay there. Peacefully asleep like a baby. I leaned forward so that my lips were near his ear.

"Babe, wake up. I got you breakfast," I whispered. Niall shot up and ran for the kitchen table in his boxers. I laughed and followed after him.

"You got my favorite!" he screamed as he started digging in.

"Of course I did," I said as my arms wrapped around his torso. I kissed his head before hiding in the crook of his neck.

"After this you're going to meet my parents okay?" he said.

"Okay," I replied as I sat down beside him. I sat there and ate before feeling the acidy taste come up my throat. I ran for the toilet. Only just making it. I could hear Niall come in running. His hands pulling my hair back as I vomited. When all of my breakfast was in the toilet bowl I stood up and flushed it away before washing hands. I turned around to see Niall frowning at something in his hands. Crap! It must've fallen out after I had a shower with him. I walked over and snatched it out of his hands, throwing it in the bin.

"So that's why you've been sick?" he asked. His blue eyes piercing into me. I could feel guilt washing over me as I stood there, knowing I should have told him.

"Yes," I whispered. I looked down, becoming more insterested in the ground.

"Am I the father?" he questioned. He walked over to me, lifting my gaze away from the ground. I could feel the tears rolling down.

"Yes," I whispered as more tears rolled away.

He laughed quietly before pulling me into a tight embrace. "It's okay Lilly, I still love you."

"But what about the fans? And Paul? And management?" I asked another case of hiccups came on.

"Don't worry about 'em. I'll deal with management. Wait, why are you going on about Paul? What does Paul have to do with this?" Niall asked, pulling away.

"I really don't want to explain. Ask Louis. He knows."

"Okay. But after breakfast and after I call Louis we're going to see my parents okay?" he asked.

"Okay," I said as he kissed my lips softly. I walked back to the table and paced myself incase I vomited again.

When I'd just finished eating Niall's arms wrapped around my torso. His lips kissing my collar bone.

"So Paul kidnapped you and forced you to break-up with me?" he asked. I nodded my head.

"I'm making sure he's getting fired, okay?"

"Okay," I whispered.

"Lilly I said I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. And if it means having Paul fired than so be it," he said as he pulled out his phone to diall someone.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now