Chapter 7

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I woke up during the night hiccuping. I wiped away the sleep in my eyes and realised I was in my bed. I looked around my room only to see it empty. I stood up out of my bed and started walking to the kitchen.

"Mother of sweet Jesus!" Niall shouted from the kitchen. I ran and found the kettle and steam  on the floor. I climbed over the kitchen bench to where Niall was to see him holding his hand sobbing.

"Hey," I said softly grabbing his hand in mine. I slowly hopped down and led him to the sink. "Keep your hand under this for awhile alright?"

"Okay," he whimpered through the tears.

I grabbed some nappkins and started wipping down the floor. I picked up the kettle and put it back in its holder. When I finally finished cleaning up the mess I turned around to Niall. I walked over and looked at his hand. Turning off the cold water.

"You okay Niall?" I asked.

"Yeah thanks," he said as he wiped away some of the tears.

"Hey," I said catching hold of his hands and smiling. "It's okay to cry Niall." I laughed as he pulled me into a hug and cried softly into my neck. I giggled a bit and patted his back. "Shhhh. It's okay Niall, it was just an accident," I whispered into his ear. He shook his head and mumbled something into my neck.

"Niall I promise you I'm not upset with you for spilling hot water," I whispered, pulling his head up to look at me. I smiled and pecked his lips. He smiled and leaned in again. I shook my head with a sad smile. I walked to the lounge room and flicked on the TV.

"Lil?" Niall asked sitting beside me.

"Hmm?" I replied staring at the TV.

"Why were you crying last night?" he asked softly. A scream building up in the back of my throat. I swallowed it down and tried to think how to start. What would happen if I told Niall about Liam? What would he do? No, he wouldn't do that. I'll make sure he won't. As much as Liam might diserve a punch right now he wasn't going to get it. I open my mouth and start to tell him.

Niall's POV

I sat there in horror. I knew Liam would do this! I knew he would. Lilly sat there scared to even tell me what happened. I saw the way her eyes widened when I asked what happened. I shook my head and buried then in my hands. I jumped, I looked up to see it was only Lilly.

"Niall? You promise you won't do anything stupid will you?" she asked. I smiled, that was the Lilly everyone knew.

"Promise, but I want something in return," I teased.

Her eyes widened with shock. I laughed at her. "I want you to have breakfast with me Lil." I stood up and pulled her up with me. She was only up to my chin. Her blonde hair was still curled from last night, and those eyes. Oh god I could stare into those green eyes all day. She smiled as a pink tinge lit up her face. I chuckled and dragged her into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry if breakfast is cold, I sorta dropped the kettle." I could hear her laughing from behind me. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly. "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you again Lil," I whispered into her ear. I could feel her arms wrapping around my neck to pull me closer.

"You promise?" she whispered back. Her voice cracked slightly.

I pulled away and looked down into her green eyes, "I promise you. I'll do whatever I have to for you." She smiled, quickly looking down at the ground.

She's Not Afraid~ N.H.Where stories live. Discover now