Chapter 32

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I sat on the ground playing cards with Niall as he munched on popcorn.

"Uno! I win!" I shouted.

"This isn't far why do you keep winning?" Niall complained.

"Stop whining you're being a bad sport," I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Bashing the other players huh?" he said.

"Got in my way," I shrugged.

"That's mean," he said pouting.

I stood up as someone knocked on the door. "Shotgun!" I shouted. Racing to bet Niall to the door. I swung open the door to see Harry standing their. Gorgeous curls a in choas and green eyes red from crying.

"Hey Hazza. You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Do you mind if we walk and talk?" he asked.

"Um okay. Niall I'm going for a walk okay?" I shouted as I grabbed my jacket and phone.

"Okay," he shouted. He must've gone to the shower.

"So what's up Harry?" I asked as we walked out of the hotel.

"So I hear you're pregnant?" he said hoarsly.

"Uh. Yeah I am actually. I was going to tell you but apparently you found out before I could," I shrugged as we walked towards the park.

"Yeah I overheard Liam talking to you."

"Why are you upset?"

"I have something to tell you Lilly."

"What is it Harry?"

"Can we sit please?"

"Sure," I sat down on the cold bench. He sat down beside me and sighed.


"Harry?" I teased.

He stood up and knelt in front of me. I frowned as I realised what was happening.

"Harry no. No Harry."

"Lilly I love you. I always have. I want to marry you and make you happy but you don't love me. You love Niall, and I guess that's the way it is," he said before getting up and walking away.

I sat there for awhile. Couples stared at me weirdly as they walked by. I got up and walked quickly back to the hotel. Niall opened the door for me smiling. I stood there cold.

"Lilly? What's wrong?" he said pulling me into a hug.

"Harry," how did I put it? My bestfriend has loved me and I didn't realise that he did?

"What about Harry?"

"H-He loves me," I stuttered.

"Lilly what are you talking about?"

"He knelt before me and said he loved me."

"Are you okay then?"

"I'm fine. It was just. A shock."

"It's okay though don't worry," Niall said as he led me inside. He closed the door and led me to the shower.


"Yeah?" he asked as he turned the shower on.

"Go on tour without me," I said.

"No Lilly, come with me please?!"

"No I'll cause problems for you," I said looking away from him.

"Lilly? I love you. The boys don't mind you coming with us. Well maybe Harry but I don't care. Come with me. I want to make sure that you don't hurt yourself. Plus I want to be able to look after you and the baby," Niall said grasping my arms softly. I looked up at him.

"Please Lilly," his blue eyes begging me.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Thank you," he said pulling me into a tight embrace.


"Let's have a shower now because we're wasting water and you're really cold.

I giggled as we stripped out of our clothes and hopped into the shower.

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