Chapter 1: Familiar Face

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Hey guys amour_7

Makes sure to listen to the song in the thumbnail. Its a brilliant English cover of XYZ opening by mark de groot
Serena and her friends, May, Dawn, Misty, Calem, Brock, Bonnie, Clemont and Gary were heading back to their hideout in Lumiose city after they had done their scouting of the area.

"Looks Team Rocket have based in Lumiose as well" Gary said.

"Yeah they already have a strong defence in Santalune city" May complained.

"Its fine guys, we're gonna go through this together. Never give up till the end" Serena tried to motivate her group with that phrase. That phrase was from her best friend when she lived in Kanto, Pallet Town. His name was Ash Ketchum. He adored his partner Pikachu.

Serena really missed him. She loved his kidness towards Pokémon and his love to work hard with passion. She had a crush on him but no one knew other than her delphox.


The group arrived at their hideout to find Professor Oak standing at the main entrance with an eager look to his face.

"Gramps? You look eager, whats up?" Gary asked his grandfather, oak.

"This" Oak pointed at a article, which showed a hooded figure with a Pikachu and a strange looking Greninja. The title said: BOY OF WONDERS! The article read: A boy in a hooded cloak takes down the defence of Team Rockets base in Shalour City all on his own with the help of his two Pokémon. Reports suggest he's been fighting Team Rocket for years after the dreadful attacks in Kanto.

"Shalour City had been swarmed with Rocket members! How'd he do it?!" Clemont said with a baffled expression, which also seen across the whole groups face.

"He's in Kalos so we might have a chance of winning this war" Dawn said getting everyones hope back up.

"Yeah, well let's get back inside and have a rest" Oak said while walking off in the hideout. Everyone soon followed, they headed towards the living room to have their rest.

"Hey Serena, didn't you say your childhood friend had a Pikachu?" Calem asked.

"Yeah but the hooded figure had a weird Greninja and I doubt that he would have time for catching Pokémon." Serena replied. Deep down she wished it was Ash.

The group continued chatting all through the night and, eventually, one by one they headed towards bed. However Serena headed towards the computer room hoping to find information about the strange hooded figure. She stayed up all night but had no success as every article mentioned the same thing about the boy.


Everyone woke up with a sense of hope after they discovered the existence of the mysterious boy Oak had told them about. They headed to the dining room where breakfast was cooked and served by Serena who had stayed up that night. They started chatting about the mystery boy.

"I hope he's a kind person if we were ever to meet him" Dawn said

"I'm just amazed that he took down the Rocket members of shalour," Calem replied.

They're talk was cut short by the hobbling presence of Professor Oak.

"Guys I want you to scout the area where Team Rocket has based, and if a problem occurs retreat and don't engage in a battle, your Pokémon haven't got enough training this week. Understood?" Oak said with a fierce tone.

"Yeah" everyone replied and headed to their rooms to gather any necessary equipment. They all met at the front entrance and were ready to head out.

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