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Hello there!

Thank you for choosing to read this piece of shit that I have no right to be proud of :)

I'm kidding but I just wanted to give you guys a few quick warnings!

Trigger warnings: Physical and emotional abuse, depression, suicidal thoughts, and excessive drinking.

Other warnings: Maybe some cheeky smut ;)

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


Dan hated this. He hated university. He was not meant to do law, but this was the cheapest uni, and the best excuse to escape his mother. He got up from the couch to get something to eat, his head booming from the headache that pierced into his brain. His eyes scanned the fridge. What to eat... He was interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket. The face of his best friend Chris flashed across the screen. He probably needed a place to stay again.

"Hey." Dan said tiredly.

"Ayee Danny boy whats up?"

"Nothing." Dan said, clearly annoyed.

"Got plans tonight?"


"There's gonna be a party tonight, wanna come?"

"Ew, no thanks."

"Aw come on mate! You never come to parties with me. Plus I hear Amanda and her friends are gonna be there."

"I'm not really in the mood to drink, or get laid by some snobby annoying bitch, and you shouldn't get laid either, you have a girlfriend." Dan told him bluntly.

"Mandy and I aren't together right now. Anyways, You don't have to drink, or get laid." Chris tried convincing him. Dan knew him and Mandy would be back together within two days anyways, and so did he, but his head hurt too bad to say anything about it.

"Go away Chris." a loud sigh came from the other side.

"You're such a bum you know that?"

"Bye." Dan said before hanging up. He rolled my eyes and continued to look for some food.

- - - - -

Dan finished another episode of Death Note, and his head had finally felt better, but he still didn't want to hear his phone ring. He picked it up.

"Oh for fucks sake." he said to himself. It was his mom.

"What" he asked.

"Daniel don't talk to your mother that way."


"Do you wanna come up to see me?" Dan panicked. He new his mom would keep bugging him if he just said he didn't want to.

"Ah, I can't. I have plans tonight. Maybe next week." He lied. There was a long silence.

"Fine." And she hung up. Dan and his mother had never been close, and there were reasons for that. He knew he had to do something. Last time he lied and told his mom he had plans,she tracked his phone she drove up and punished me for lying. So he texted Chris.

hey, what time is that party tonight?

I'm so happy with this fanfiction. Omf

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