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"You absolute piece of shit!" Dan yells angrily, throwing a pillow across the living room.

Phil looks at Dan, slightly concerned, "Daniel, it's just a game, please calm down" he chuckles slightly.

"No, it's a bullshit game! That's what it is!" Dan pouts, turning off the Xbox and leaning back. 

Phil just smiles "You poor baby." he responds sarcastically.

Dan lets out a little hmph and checks his phone.

5 Snaps from: charlyisgay

He sighs, as Phil nosily takes a peek at the unopened snapchat messages.

"How come you're ignoring Charly?" He asks, frowning.

"Hm?" Dan hums off guard, "Oh, er, I'm not" he tries.

"C'mon, I'm not an idiot. I've seen that she's been blowing up your phone." Phil narrows his eyebrows.

Dan sighs in response, getting up. "Nosy much?"


"Just an observation..." Phil explains, leaving the room silent for a few short seconds.

"Right, well I think I'm gonna head back upstairs for the night."

"Okay," he sighs.

Seconds later, just before Dan leaves, "Dan?"

"Yes?" he replies. 

"Has it got to do with what happened during the radio show a bit ago?" An innocent looking Phil.

Dan hated to look into his eyes, lying. Knowing that he could never admit to the real reason he was so mad at Charly.

"No.." He states simply.

"Talk to her, I miss having her round. It's not my business, but whatever it is, she's your best friend, you can work it out."

Dan chose to ignore the older boy and continue up to his room, and as soon as he got up he plopped down on his bed. Wondering what to do. What does he do without Charly? What does he do about his feelings for Phil? He had far too much to deal with, for someone who was already dealing with the loss of his mother. He felt so lost, so trapped in his own stress to the point where he felt like he'd never get out. He kind of just felt numb. He couldn't feel. He just blocked everything, except for that shining little piece of gold in his life that refused to be ignored... His feelings for Phil. That boy with the stunning blue eyes, and the most amazing personality. The thing that had the ability to turn Dan's frown upside down, but it also made him so sad that he couldn't have him. It was awful, he didn't wanna worry about all of it anymore. So he called the person he always used to.

- - -

"Ello?" Chris answered.

"Hey!" Dan replies enthusiastically.

The two talked for quite a while, catching up on personal things mostly. Dan told him about his feelings for Phil, what Charly did, which worked him up a bit.

"Man, you're living the life right now." he laughs slightly.

"For sure," he responds.

"Well, the only advice for Charly I can give you is that she clearly was just trying to care for you, so you should give her another chance."


"As for Phil, you gotta take your own advice man. You only live once, who knows what'll happen if you tell him. But one thing you know is that one day you will get over it if he doesn't react well."

They talked a bit more and ended their night.

Dan was so unsure as to what he wanted to do. All he knew was that more than anything, he just wanted to be happy.


567 Words


hello. im back if you didnt know from my last chapter stuffs been happening. which by the way i plan on updating my journal entry reguarding my depressive episode on my other account laneyisgay tomorrow

also go to my account and click conversations/recent activity and respond to my lates message with a halloween/fall related question and it will be featured in an upcoming QOTD

okay thats it for now. feels good to be writing again.

-lae xx

QOTD: Are you dressing up for Halloween, and if so, what are you going to be?

(asked by  bigadiddleillaPSHH )

AOTD: i wanted to do something that involvd makeup so im being a cracked porcelain doll for halloween. for an orchestra concer t i recently had to wear it and it looks SOOO dope

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