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Phil pulled up to this huge house, of which was not quite a mansion, but it was pretty huge.

"Is this yours?" Dan asked, looking up at the house in awe. Phil chuckled fondly.

"Yes, it is." He confirmed. "Why?"

"It's huge," Dan answered.

"I'm glad you like it," Phil beamed. "Cause it'll be your home for however long you need it."
Dan smiled back at the boy, thankful.

Phil pulled into the driveway and parked the car.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yep, I guess," Dan replied, obviously nervous. 

He waited for Phil to get out of the car, before pulling the handle to the door and getting out as well. He pulled open the sliding back door to grab his bag and two of the three suitcases he brought. Dan went to grab the next one but Phil cut ahead of him and grabbed it. He looked at Dan and smiled sweetly.

"I got it. You've got enough to hold."

"T-thanks." Dan stuttered, wondering why Phil's smile had this affect on him.

"It's no problem," Phil said "C'mon"

Phil lead Dan to the front door, and juggled his keys, trying to find the right one. When he eventually did get the key, he swung the door open.

"Pey! We're here!" Phil called. A muffled 'Philly!' was heard, probably from upstairs.
Peyton came down the stairs, smiling brightly at her girlfriend. Compared to how she was years ago, now she was nowhere near as beautiful as she was before the passing of her parents.

Now she had bottle blonde hair, that was just below her shoulders. Instead of wearing her cute glasses she used to, she now wore contacts, that made her eyes blue. They didn't look natural, though, making them all the less beautiful compared to Phil's.

"Hey baby," Peyton greeted Phil, pecking him on the lips.

"Hello, love." He responded, smiling.

"Hey Dan, it's good to see you again," Peyton said, her tone flat, expressing no emotion whatsoever.

'Wow, you sound real excited.' Dan thought.

"You too, thanks for allowing me to stay here." He smiled.

"Yep, I totally approved, right Phil?" She said, sounding a bit aggressive, looking over to Phil.

"Yes." Phil swallowed.

Dan was confused, this was okay with her right?

There was an awkward silence that lasted all too long.

"Um, Dan... Follow me, I'll show you to your room." Phil spoke up.

"Oh okay."

Dan followed Phil up many stairs, and walked down a big hallway with like 4 doors, and opened one of them. The room was pretty huge. Dan looked at it, amazed that this was only the guest room. He could only imagine what Phil's and Peyton's room looked like.

"Make yourself at home." Phil tried to smile, but couldn't stop looking stressed. "I'm gonna go talk to her for a sec-"

"Wait." Dan stopped him. "I need to talk to you a sec." He lowered his voice, almost whispering.

"Am I not supposed to be here?" Dan asked.

"I-" Phil started, his face softening, knowing how bad Dan would feel if he wasn't welcome. "It was kind of last minute, and I didn't exactly ask her."


"No," He interrupted. "You needed help, desperately. What was I supposed to do? Let your mom get to you and hurt you?"

"I don't know Phil, but I feel like I shouldn't be here. How is this fair to Peyton?"

"I-I don't know that it is," Phil bowed his head. "But she'll get over it." He looked up.

"I really hope so. I don't want to be here if-" Dan began.

"Dan, It's okay. I promise, she's just being difficult, that's how she always is." Phil assured.

"Okay..." Dan muttered. "You should probably go talk to her."

"Alright. Get yourself comfortable. Everything in this room is yours until you move out." Phil beamed. "I'll be back in like an hour yeah?"

Dan hummed in response and watched as Phil walked out. He began to unpack clothes, which were all packed in the first two suitcases. He put them in a black wardrobe. He hung all of his shirts in them and put his socks, underwear, and pants below the area where things were hung, in which there were drawers. He put his shoes under the shirts. In the third suitcases were his PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS, Macbook, Wii, which were all things he saved up for or got for Christmas. It also contained various chargers and chords. It took about 20 minutes to sort his games and hook up the devices. The last thing he did to finish up his room where he took his bag of toiletries and organized them in the bathroom (surprisingly there was a bathroom in the room), and then spread his duvet over the queen-sized bed.

Eventually, while Dan was making his bed, Phil came up and checked in.

"Wow, you work quick." He praised.

"Yep, actually after this all I need to do is hang up the fairy lights and I'll be done," Dan told Phil.

"Well, I'm gonna give you some time to yourself for a while, Pizza sound good for dinner?" Phil asked.

"Mmmm, always." Dan smiled. 

"Alright, I'll come back so we can all eat, maybe watch some T.V. in an hour or two, okay?" Phil suggested. "Tomorrow I'll give you a house tour." He smiled excitedly. 

"Okay," Dan responded, as Phil started out the door. "Phil, wait."

Phil peeped his head back in.


"Are things okay with Peyton?" He asked nervously.

"Not exactly," Phil responded, looking guilty. "Don't worry, after she spends some time with you, everything will be better." Phil reckoned.

"Okay, as long as I'm welcome," Dan explained. 

"Don't worry, you are." Phil smiled, before heading downstairs.


959 words

heyo pals, howve you all been?

i've been pretty gud. i've recently been busy so sorry if this update is later than expected.

i'm OBSESSED with grace vanderwaals EP. it's actually so good, and i recommend highly.. it's on spotify so.

anyways that's really all, nothing new

hope you ave a great day.

ps 25 days of gamingmas makes me v happ pps i also knew phils perscription

-lae xx

QOTD: what do you do on snow days

AOTD: nothing, as usual. i just enjoy the cold weather

ps it is currently snowing v happ

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