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"I've got to get to the hospital, right now," Dan says, anxiously grabbing his jacket.

"No, I'll take you, and go with you," Phil declines "I don't think you should drive."

"It's fine, I'm fine," Dan assures Phil, panicking.

"No it's not, please, let me help," He insists.

"F-fine." Dan studders, rushing toward the door.

"Wait," Phil stops him. "Come here."

Dan reluctantly does so, and to his pleasure, Phil hugs him, and passionately. As much as Dan wanted to be in a hurry, he just melted into the boy's grasp.

"You'll be okay, Dan. I'm here." He says softly, feeling Dan's tears soak through the shirt he was wearing. Dan backs away reluctantly.

"We should go," he says.

"Yeah, you're right." Phil agrees, rushing out the door.

Phil drove fast to get to the hospital, not understanding why. Wasn't this the same woman who abused him and made his entire childhood after his Dad died complete hell? It made no sense to Phil, she deserved it.

They got there, and before Phil even had time to get the keys out of the ignition, Dan had already gotten out the door and sped walked up to the building. Phil quickly pulled them out and ran after him, catching him talking to the woman at the counter. 

"Yes, right this way." The woman says. Dan looks behind him to Phil warily.

"Um, my friend can come with too right?" He asked.

"Yes, I suppose." She responds.

As the woman from behind the counter is walking them, Dan is visibly getting more frustrated.

He was mad because she was coming to presumably beat him, and he was mad that she would have to die because of that.

"So what happened to her?" He asks, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Well, she was driving here from Reading, and she drove her and one other person into a ditch. The doctors say she was extremely intoxicated when it happened." She says.

"Go figure," He murmurs under his breath. "Wait, she ran someone else into a ditch? Are they okay?" The woman stays silent, she was older, and clearly had a big heart and genuinely cared about what happened with Dan.

"Well," She pauses. "I'm afraid not." She said.

"Who were they? What happened?" He asks frantically.

"One was a teenage girl, who is at ab0out the conditions of your mother, and the other wa her best friend, who was found dead at the scene."

"O-oh." Dan stays silent, as well as Phil and the woman until they arrive at where Dan's mother is resting.

"She's in here, try not to be too intense around her, and be quiet."

"A-Alright, thank y-you." Dan studders, waiting for the old woman to walk off.

"Maybe you should wait to go in," Phil suggests.

"I-I want t-to but she's d-dying in there."

Phil sighs, honestly wanting to take Dan away from this all and protect him from anything bad that could ever stand in the way of his happiness.

"P-Please, just c-come with me."

"Of course," Phil agrees, grabbing Dan's hand and gripping it tight.

Dan shakily grabs the handle, his hands shaky, and opens it up.

"D-Dan?" the woman in the bed looks up in disbelief.

Anger boils within Phil, he never thought he'd see this woman, and now that he was he got more and more mad about the way he treated Dan as a child.

"Mum..." He responds, shocked at her condition, and shocked to be seeing her at all.

"Oh Dan, I'm sorry." She stumbles out.

"I- Um." Dan is confused.

"I'm a terrible mother, I'm so sorry. I've been so sad about your father so I just drank and it became anger and-" She stops. "I don't even know why you've come, willingly."

"M-me either."

There's a long silence, and Dan want's it to end, he just wants to run away and never see her again but he stood there still, paralyzed.

"Who's your friend?"

"I-Um, this is Phil-" Dan begins

"I'm the person hiding Dan from you, you know, because he's completely and utterly terrified of you."

"Phil that's enough." Dan says softly, trying not to start a scene.

"No, it's okay, I um, deserve it." She says, trying to be nice. Phil doesn't back down. 

"No trust me, you deserve much more." Phil growls.

"Can I talk to you outside a moment, Phil" Dan asks."

Phil angrily meets Dan outside the door.

"Go home, okay? She's dying and this is the first time I've seen her sober since i was a little boy, don't be so selfish."

"But- "

"No, Phil, please, let me be with my mother."

With that, Phil left, not feeling the slightest bit bad for Dans mom, but for Dan.


786 words

y  nizzles im actually sticking to the update schedule

anywasy im bored and have nothing cool to talk about bye

QOTD: Do you like Pewdiepie

AOTD: ye lol

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