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Phil smiles down at his phone, causing suspicions from Peyton.

"Who have you been texting and hanging out with lately?" Peyton asks, jealousy in her tone.

"Remember the guy at Jack's party who I hung out with all night? He told you where the bathroom was."

"Oh yeah...You talk to that guy? He seemed so boring." She rolls her eyes. Phil shrugs.

"Well you barely talked to him, so it's not vary fair for you to say that." Phil tells her.

"I mean sure, but did you see the way he dressed. All black? I swear if you're hanging out with an emo guy I'm breaking up with you." Phil looks at her as if she'd just said the dumbest thing he's ever heard in his life.

"Peyton, people could call you an annoying peppy girl just because you wear pink sometimes..." Phil mentions.

"That's different."

"How so?" Phil ponders.

"Because lots of people dress the way I do, and nobody assumes that, but when you wear all black and have a haircut like, well you, that was cool on myspace in 2007, people are automatically gonna assume you're emo. That's just how it works." Peyton says pridefully. Like she'd just said the smartest thing in the world,

"Peyton those are all stereotypes, and there's no need to assume things about people." Phil tells her, getting annoyed by her ignorant remarks. 

"Whatever." She says. "Either way, stop texting him so much... I'm right here." Peyton says as if she's hurt by it.

"I know, I'm sorry baby." Phil says, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." Peyton smiles.

- - - - -

Dan hadn't slept since he saw Phil, which was... Dan can't remember. 3? 4 days ago? He couldn't even think about sleep. The nightmares had stopped years ago, when he first decided not to sleep too much, and he moved in with his aunt, who was never around by the way, but it was better than being with his mother. He usually didn't sleep over 5 hours, and usually it was less than that even. When he did get over 5 hours of sleep, which was rare, he never had nightmares, but that was back when his mother didn't call.

- - - - -

Dan's mom didn't know he had gone off to Uni until a 5 months after he had left. One day she went to visit her sister's house, and what is meant by that is she came to borrow money, and when Dan wasn't there, she got pissed.

- - - - -

Dan focuses on his laptop, typing his report at an impressive rate, until he is interrupted by his phone ringing.

It's his mom.

He was scared. He hadn't talked to her in nearly a year, and nobody told her he went to University.


"DANIEL!!" Her voice screeches through the phone.

"Hey um, mum, what's up?"

"Why didn't you tell me you left Aunt Amy for university???"

"I-I, I um figured you would be busy for work." Dan excuses.

"Of course. Always so distant! Don't expect to hear from me again, I can't believe I created such a disrespectful boy."

"Even though it was a mistake..." Dan''s mom mumbles. "I thought I had raised you better, it must've been your father who taught you to be this way. He always had such poor judgment. Now he's fucked up everything. Just like you. Sheesh!" She says before hanging up. Dan drops the phone and cries. Just cries. His life had actually been looking up after him and his mom stopped talking.

- - - - -

And looking up it had been, until about 6 months after that his mum called him again, as if nothing had ever happened and came up to Manchester. She decorated his whole flat, and he hated it. Nothing matched and the paint was so cheap it began to decay just weeks later.

His mother would call from time to time, maybe once a month, and that was too much. Dan would sometimes have excuses.  She was pushing herself into his life again, and not in a good way. His mother needed someone to take her drunken, and sober anger out on. She had a boyfriend for the longest time, which on top of all the drinking, he got her into multiple drugs like heroin and cocaine mostly. When he inevitably left her, she started calling Dan.

The night of Jack's party, when Dan had met Phil was the 11th time his mom had called.

And that was 11 times too many.


760 words


I hope you guys liked this chapter. The ending was kind of a history thing.

Do you guys want next chapter to be history of Peyton and Phil? Because I kind of want to do that. Comment below if you want that.

Also please go respond to the message on my page and give me a QOTD so your question can be featured in the next chapter!! (you can do this by going to my profile, clicking conversations, and replying to my pinned message)

Anyways I hope you all had an amazing week, tomorrow is friday. FINALLY.

-Lae xx

QOTD: Are you decorating your house for halloween?

AOTD: Probably not, my family usually doesn't do anything for holidays. I haven't had much of a childhood when it comes to having holiday memories, when I'm at my mom's house at least. My dad and I do stuff like that every year, but anyways. We never carve pumpkins, or dye eggs, or decorate the house apart from the Christmas tree.

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