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Dan into the house. People had already begun drinking and dirty dancing everywhere. It was already a mess at 10:00pm. Dan looked to his side to say something to Chris, but he had already ran off with Amanda and her friends, doing shots of course. Typical.

Dan wandered around, watching as everyone there participated in their strange drunk rituals. He thought about socializing, but nobody looked remotely interesting, and those who did, were drunk out of their mind. So he just went upstairs, where nobody seemed to be. There was a balcony where a small group of ditzy girls gossiped about other girls at their Uni. He kinda sat there, with his own water, staring down at his phone. He looked up once to see the girls pointing at him and laughing. He almost said something, but he decided to keep quiet and continue scrolling through tumblr. Although the internet was great, he was still bored out of his mind. He looked up from his phone again to see that the girls had left and went somewhere else. He looked inside and some of the crowd had moved up there, but remained inside and not on the balcony, thank god. He watched as everyone talked. People watching was something Dan did a lot. People confused them, he kinda did it to understand them, but never could. Of all the people in that crowd, one emerged from between the multiple people. He was beautiful. He was a pale boy, with jet black hair that swooped just above his icy blue eyes, which had dark circles under them. He was tired, and Dan couldn't help but wonder why. Somehow, just by looking at the boy, Dan had the urge to want to learn everything about him. He stared at this boy for what seemed like forever, and when the boys eyes met Dan's his stomach fluttered. And it fluttered even more when the boy started toward Dan.

Dan felt happy that he was coming toward him. But that happiness dissappeared when he noticed the girl holding the boys hand.


Phil finally makes an appearance! Also, if you tuned in for Phil's livestream today, I was  the one who asked him about bagged milk. OF ALL QUESTIONS LANEY SMH. But he noticed me and I'm so happy. Also please leave me questions for QOTD

-Lae <3

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