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"Phil!" Katherine, Phil's mum called up the stairs.

"Yes mum?" He replies from his bright, poster covered bedroom.

"I've got some work friends over for dinner, please dress nicely for dinner." She says nicely. Phil lets out a long groan, making sure his mum could hear.

"I know baby, I'm sorry it's so last minute, but it's important. Don't worry, they've got a daughter your age, so it won't be so boring the whole time."

18 year old Phil didn't care at the time, as he would be off to University in a few months, he didn't have time for a girl. Little did he know this girl would be the acceptation.

- - - - -

Phil had on a plaid button up, and some black jeans. He was far too lazy to put on a suit or something. He ran down the stairs, just as the front doorbell rang. He gets to the door just as his mum opens it. Behind it is a woman, who looked just as old as his mum, her husband, who was her husband, obviously. And then their daughter. She was small. Maybe 5"7, which made her look like the smallest thing next to 6"2. Her hair was in long, natural, beach waves. She had bright green eyes that contrasted amazingly with her dark hair. The only way he could describe it was beautiful.

"Hello Katherine," the woman smiled.

"Oh my hello Sheryn, it's been ages ! How have you been?" Phil's mum exclaimed.

"Good! How about you Katherine?" The woman beamed back.

"Oh I've been just great! It's so good to see you!" Phil's mum smiled. "Come in, come in!"

The family, similar to Phil's entered his house. Katherine lead them all into the kitchen.

"Mmm that smells great." Sheryn said. Phil looked over awkwardly to the girl and gave her a smirk, who looked back awkwardly.

"Thanks!" Phil's mum stirred what was in the pot a last time. "Oh yes, we've got kids!" she laughed.

"This is Phil, my youngest son. Martyn is our oldest, but he's still off at University." Phil's mum introduced. Phil stood there, awkwardly, he hadn't been paying attention.

"Uh, hi.. Nice to meet you."

"This is our daughter Peyton, one and only child."

"Hey," she waved.

And there it was, the beginning of a beautiful love that would crumble away over the years.

- - - - -

Peyton laughed. 

"You're such a nerd." 

"Peyton! It's time to go!" Peyton's mom called from downstairs. Peyton sighed.

"You should probably-" before he could finish, Peyton smashed her lips against his.

"I left my number on top of your dresser." She said before getting up and leaving."

Phil smiled as he watched the girl leave.

- - - - -

A year later---

Phil walks down the pavement, his girlfriends fingers tangled in his own.

"Guess what?" She whispers. "I love you." Phil responds by kissing her forehead.

"Phil, is something wrong?" Peyton looks up at him after a second of silence.


"Are you sure? You don't look okay." Peyton says, genuine worry in her tone.

"It's just I don't want this to end. It's only been a year, but Peyton I love you, so much and I just don't want it to end." Phil tells her. "Even if I want it to, I couldn't let go of the memories. And remembering this love I have. Love simply doesn't disappear."

"Phil, I will love you till the end of time, no matter what. I will do anything I have to make sure I'm yours forever. Don't you worry. I'm not going anywhere. I'm never gonna make you want or have to leave. I promise. I love you Phil, please don't think about these things." Peyton told him.

Phil nodded and kissed her.

"I love you too, more than anything."

When Peyton said she wouldn't go anywhere, she didn't lie, but made a promise she couldn't keep, however wasn't aware.

- - - - -

7 months later---

Peyton lie next to Phil, cuddling next to him. Phil listens to her soft breathing. Like it would be the last time he ever talked to this Peyton ever again.

Why did he feel this.

Just then, Peyton's phone rings, startling her out of her sleep. She yawns and kisses his cheek, then picks up the phone. Long enough for Phil to see the time. 2:24am.

"Hello?" Peyton says groggily.

The air changed. Something was terribly wrong, Phil could feel it. And he knew things for him and Peyton  would change forever. And as this happens, and Peyton puts the phone down, she breaks down crying.

"Pey? Sweetie what's happened?" Phil says, panicking .

"M-my parents, they're g-gone."

And with those words, one of many things down the drain. Peyton's bright, kind, amazing personality. The road to it disappearing had just begun, along with the road to Phil's inseparable relationship with Peyton, crumbling between his fingers.


802 words

Fyi this takes place a year and a half before Phil meets Dan.

Anyways what's up guys. Again sorry for the late update, info on that is in the last part of the story, if you haven't read it already.

I've actually been fine. Kinda. Although (AND I'M NOT EXADGERATING) when I saw Dan and Phil in onesies in the spooky week vid Yesterday I flipped out (this was also while I was skyping my crush, fml) and hit my head on my bead frame and now there's a huge bump there. Other than that, i've been great, Hope you've been too.

I broke up with my girlfriend, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If you want to learn more about that, it will all be in my "Random Shit" book, the chapter will be called Journal 10.30.16.

Also thank you all so much for the amazing feedback on my last chapter. I love you all so much and thank you for being so amazing to me, I'm thankful beyond words to have such amazing readers.

Anyways that's all for now, I'll update as soon as possible.


QOTD FOLLOW UP; I actually am being something for halloween. I threw a little shitty something together a few weeks ago. I'm a huge fan of Supernatural, a show, and my best friend is being Castiel (her costumes amazing lmao. if you want to see the halloween pics it will probably be on her instagram, emodestiel or mine, emohowlter, if you want to see. ) so I decided to put together a shitty Sam Winchester costume, it's literally a flannel, and jeans, boring I know. I would have had a jacket, but the friend who was going to let me borrow it forgot to give it to me. It's fine though, I'm not trick or treating.

QOTD: Do you like crumb cake?

AOTD: i think i've had it before, if it's what i'm thinking of, yes.

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