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Phil: Pepperoni sound good?

Dan: Yep,

Phil: we'll also have taco pizza :)

Dan: mmmm, hurry up and order it, my mouth is watering thinking about it.

Phil: will do princess -.-

Dan: :)))))) thanks dad

Phil: omg stop

Dan smiled at the phone, before picking up his Playstation 3 controller once again and continuing to play Fallout New Vegas.

Nearly 20 minutes later, there's a soft knock on Dan's door, and a pale boy pokes his head in,

"Food's here," Phil smiled softly.

"Alright, gimme a sec," Dan replied, shutting the game off and getting up to follow Phil down the stairs. He was lead to what was a dining room, where Peyton was setting up plates.

"There's Coke and Ribena on the the counter in the kitchen," Phil pointed him to the kitchen. "Feel free to help yourself."

Peyton had left the room in that time, and come back with two pizzas, she set them down on the table and opened them. She sighed loudly afterward. 

"Is something wrong, love?" Phil asked.

"Of course." She snapped. "I asked for Hawaiian pizza." Peyton glared.

"Oh I'm sorry, we usually get Taco I didn't-" Phil began.

"Whatever, it's fine," Peyton rolls her eyes. Dan stands there awkwardly, wondering why she said anything about it at all if it was 'fine'.

"Let's just eat." Phil interrupts the painful silence.

"Yeah," Peyton responds. A few minutes into an awkward dinner, Peyton begins speaking.

"So Dan, what do you do?" She asks. Dan swallows his food nervously, wondering what she would think if he were honest with her.

"I-" He stuttered, "I actually am in the process of dropping out of Uni."

"What? Why would you do that?" She asks disapprovingly.

"Law just isn't for me, makes me want to throw myself out a window." Dan tries joking, but no one even so much as grins. He looks over to Phil, who just silently eats, looking a bit upset.

"So you're just gonna do nothing with your-" Peyton begins.

"Pey, love. It doesn't matter what he does for now. He just needs some time to drop out, and settle down." Phil barges in. Dan looks over to Phil, and gives him an awkward grin, to say 'thank you'.

"I suppose, but you're just gonna live here, not even buy your own food?" She asks as if that was too much to ask when she was obviously filthy rich.

"I-" Dan began, but the situation became a bit much. He didn't want to upset her, she was sharing her house with him. "I'm sorry," Dan said, getting up, leaving his pizza on the plate unfinished.

- - - - -

"Really?" Phil looks at Peyton, frustrated that she's already made Dan uncomfortable and he's only been in their household for a few hours.

"You're not actually mad at me right now are you?" Peyton scoffs. "You were just planning on letting him live here, not pay for the roof over his head, not pay for his own food? Just depend on us completely? Do you realize how irrational that is?"

"Peyton! You don't get it! Dan is dealing with some really personal issues! It's the least I could do, just to make sure he's safe!" Phil yells.

"Stop giving that boy the pity he wants, he'll be fine. He's just too immature and young to know that." Peyton tries sounding a bit more calm, trying not to sound offended, as if she doesn't care. Because how would it make her look if she were so upset over such an unimportant matter?

"If only you knew." Phil murmured. "You know what, I'm buying him a new phone. I'll leave you to yourself for a bit." He get's up and runs up the stairs to Dan.

Phil opens the door a crack.

"Dan?" He peeks in, and when there's no response entered the room. "Dan, I'm sorry about her."

"It's fine," Dan responds, pulling his duvet from over the top of his head, his cheeks and nose read, presumably from crying. "She's right... I knew this was a bad idea, Phil." Dan croaks.

"No, she's just being difficult, Dan. It's perfectly fine if you stay here, and don't argue with me. This is my house too, and she's not the only one who gets to make the decisions Phil tells the crying boy, comforting him. Dan stays silent, unsure what to say. "Don't let her get to you," Dan nods in response.

"Thanks, I guess," Dan mutters.

"C'mon, I promised you a new phone, and  Peyton needs some her time."

"Alright," Dan wipes his eyes and gets up.

"Come here." Phil opens his arms. Dan gladly hugs him, embracing Phil's sweet raspberry scent, and his warm body, letting hit comfort him. "It's all gonna be okay." Phil whispers.


795 words



i feel soo bad for taking forever to update. honestly kenny (dumb bf tht i lov) is distracting me from doing shit with my life. but i'm upating now. im also sorry to say that, i have to take a witnter break, which will last from now to December 30th, im sorry. Those of you who's christmas questions weree not answered, i will be updating agin in the next day minutes, answering all of them, so if you have any christmas/winter related questions, please leave them on my page, so i can answer them (comment them if you like as well, but there will be less of a chance i will see it.)


-lae xx

QOTD: Favorite way to make hot chocolate?

AOTD: hell yeah man, i like to put milk, and cocoa on the stove, aand when it's mixed i add sugar, and mix that in, the whipped cream, and marshmallows.

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