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Dan still hadn't responded to Charly's messages. He had full intents on it but he really didn't know how to approach it. What if she were angry at him? And what if she isn't even actually sorry? What if she's just going to do something like it again.

He sighed and focused on what was more important at the moment, his birthday. Yes, it was finally June 11th, and it was his 22nd birthday. He didn't care much, but Phil allegedly had a lot planned for that day, so Dan got out of bed and began to dress, before checking his phone to see more unopened messages from Charly.  He sat for a second, thinking of what to do. He really missed her, and clearly, there's stuff she needs to get out to him, he just didn't know what those things were, and that scared him.

However, he decided to just, suck it up and respond.

charlyisgay: dan im really sorry

charlyisgay: please respond. i feel absolutely awful

charlyisgay: i overstepped my boundaris and im so sorry

charlyisgay: dan its been 2 days, please

charlyisgay: how long are you gonna ignore me?

charlyisgay: was it realy that bad that i deserve a week of being shunned? i dont know what else to say but im sorry and i'll never do it again

charlyisgay: please dan, i just wanted to help. you know i had good intentions. i dont think i deerve this

charlyisgay: no, i do desere this.

charlyisgay:im so sory

charlyisgay: im so fucking sorry dan

charlyisgay: i love you so much, best friend.

charlyisgay: im sorry i ever got involved.

charlyisgay: happy birthday. it's been two weeks and i miss you so much.

charlyisgay: i hope you have an amazing birthday

Dan sighed looking at the messages, he could tell how bad she felt. He realized that he shouldn't have ignored her. He tortured himself for two weeks over something that Charly was really regretting.

danisnotonfire: i forgive you charlotte. id love for you to be here on my birthday xo

He stared at his phone for a moment, hoping she'd respond quickly, but she didn't. So he went downstairs, and the second he hit that last step, an amazing aroma filled his nose. He entered the dining room to see a large 'Happy Birthday' poster strung across the room, and Phil standing below it.

"Happy Birthday Danny!!!" Phil exclaimed.

"Thanks, Phil," Dan chuckles, blushing at the gesture.

"It's no problem, have a seat" Phil smiles brightly, "I made you some hashbrowns, and strawberry waffles."

He pulled out a seat for the younger boy, who sat in it.

"What would the birthday boy like to drink?" Phil asked.

"Apple juice, please." Dan requests, still blushing.

"Coming right up!"

Dan smiles to himself. Phil was much more excited for Dan's birthday than Dan even was, and it was so cute. Growing up, Dan never had birthday parties, his birthday was normally forgotten about. Sometimes Chris's family would get him a small gift, along with dinner, but they didn't have a whole lot of money, so it only happened every few years or so.

'He's so beautiful' Dan thought, watching as Phil entered the room again, bearing the apple juice he asked for.

"Also," Phil says, reaching from under the table. "I got you this" He pulled out a large box, wrapped in black glittery paper, with a plain white bow atop.


"Daniel, it is your birthday, I know you're not used to it, but this is what happens on birthdays."

Dan just smiled, knowing he couldn't change his mind. Plus, how could he refuse a gift from those eyes, so excited to be giving. It was impossible to resist.

Dan unwrapped the box to see a leather black case, which he opened to see a guitar, signed by someone he couldn't make out. 

"Who?" he asked.

"Matt Bellamy"

"You're kidding!" Dan begins to freak out. "Where the hell did you get a guitar signed by him?"

"I know a guy who knows a guy," Phil states, being very coy

"Holy shit Phil!" Dan leaps up to give him a huge hug.

"I love-" Dan stops himself very quickly, releasing himself from the hug. "I love this so much! Thank you" He quickly saves.

"You're welcome, now eat your food, we're gonna go out for a bit, and then I have a party planned for tonight. I invited all of our friends, even from work, and a few people higher up who can get to know you, and maybe make it so our show can be on more than once a month." Phil explains. "I don't want that to stress you out though. Just be yourself, that's what we all love about you, is you."

Dan just blushes, as Phil leaves the room, leaving him to eat his food.

"I love you. I love this, but I love you more." Dan whispers to himself, sighing.


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i know i told you guys the schedule would be normal again after last week, but on tuesday I found out my great grandma died so yeah, and then the funeral was on friday so i kinda just had to deal with that

anyways im good now, and the schedule will be bakc to normal now, so long as nothing else happens.

anywyas its spooky time and im so happy. i love fall smsmsms

thats it for today

-lae xx


QOTD: how do you feel about the pumpkin spice flavor

(asked by  -touloser-  )

AOTD: i lovvv. pumpkin pie is me fav pie soo.

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