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Dan adjusted the top button on his button up, which he hadn't worn in a long time. Today he had a reason to look nice, without looking too casual. He could only hope Phil would like it..

- - - - -

Phil pulled up to the building Dan lived at.

"I'll be right back, love" Phil says to Peyton, sitting in the passenger seat. He leans over and they meat in the middle of the two seats for a kiss, before pulling the plastic handle on the door and stepping out of the car. He'd been to Dan's flat once before, and that was the day Dan had had the nightmare. Phil was in such a hurry that day, because he was so worried, that he didn't realize how many stairs there really were. By the time Phil had gotten up to Dan's floor, beads of sweat begun forming at the boy's hairline.

He really needed to exercise more.

After Phil had made his way to Dan's flat, he knocked quietly, trying not to disturb any of Dan's neighbors. Dan luckily opened the door with no hesitation.

Phil stared a bit. Dan looked nice.

The black button up brought out his shoulders, and chest, and Phil couldn't help but think how amazing he looked.

"Uh, hey.." Phil greeted the slightly shorter boy.


"You ready to go?" Phil asked.

"Yeah," Dan said a bit reluctantly. "Um, are you okay? It looks like you've just run a marathon." Phil smiled slyly and scratched the back of his neck.

"Erm, you've got a lot of stairs, and it's a bit hot out today." Phil excused awkwardly. Dan laughed

"You know there's an elevator, you dildo." Dan said, fondness throughout his tone.

"Oh, um really? I didn't see-"

"It's fine, we should probably get going." Dan cut Phil off, trying to avoid any further awkwardness between the two.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Phil concurred, "Um where's that elevator you spoke of?" Dan chuckled lightly, stepping out of his flat and locking the front door. 

"Right this way, my lady." He joked.

With that, Dan lead the way to the elevator, an awkward silence between the two, with nothing but the sound of Phil's feet shuffling against the carpet of the dim hallways. Dan pressed the button, but as soon as the elevator doors opened, allowed Phil to step in first.

"Oh um, I should probably mention," Phil said, breaking the silence, allowing Dan to finally breathe. "I think Pey was a bit jealous of how much we've been talking, so if she tries to push you onto Chelsea's sister, I'm sorry, She's a bit possessive of me at times." Phil explained.

Although Dan didn't really see how putting him with another stranger made any sense, he just nodded.

"Alright, sounds good." He finally responded, just as the elevator doors opened.

Phil laughed slightly as he looked around after exiting the elevator.

"I'll have to remember where this is for next time."

- - - - -

The car ride was quiet. If anything was said it was Peyton quietly singing along to whatever was on the radio. Usually when they were alone, Dan and Phil talked and talked, as if they'd never run out of things to talk about, but now, nobody in that car could find it in them to say even a word to start conversation.  The air seemed tense, intimidating almost, and it was hard to breathe for the boys, and neither of them could figure out exactly why.

Luckily this torture of awkward silence ended, and they had finally made it to the resturaunt. Dan's eyes widened at the sight.

There was a line outside, people waiting to be seated. All of the women were in tight, low top dresses, the men in tuxes, nowhere near as casual as Dan and Phil had decided. They knew it'd be fancy, but not this fancy.

'I can't afford this,' was Dan's first thought, and as if reading his mind as the trio walked up to the doors Phil said,

"I had no idea we'd be going here.. I'll pay for you." Dan nodded nervously in response,

"Thanks." He mumbled.

Peyton lead the way, cutting the line to get to the hostess inside.

"Are you joining someone tonight?" She asked nicely.

"Yes," Peyton told her. "Chelsea F."

"Okay, Anna here will take you." The hostess told us, pointing to a girl, who looked all too professional to be a waitress.

"Right this way," she signaled the three to follow in a soft tone, and that they did.

The restaurant was huge, twists and turns everywhere.

Alas, they eventually made it to the table in the back. Sat there at the large table was a dark haired woman in a tight red dress, she had green eyes, which usually went amazingly with dark hair, sitting next to a man, who was dressed in a tux, nothing special.

'That must be Chelsea'  Dan thought. Across the round table from them was another woman.

This one had black hair wearing a casual short sleeved short dress, and blue eyes. Her eyes weren't icy, like Phil's were, they were blue. A blue deeper than the sky. Blue like a blue jays delicate feathers. They were beautiful.

Dan's thought were interrupted by a shriek.

"Ahh Peyton, babe, how are you?! It's been too long!" Chelsea said excitedly, wrapping her arms around Peyton.

"I know, I've been great." Chelsea let go of Peyton.

"And you Phil? You look great!" She said, hugging Phil, who lightly hugged back, having to crouch a bit due to how tall he was.

"Good, you too Chels."

"Who's this?" Chelsea asked, her smile still plastered on her face.

"Oh, this is Phil's friend Dan." Peyton winked at Chelsea, who smiled as if she already knew the plan just by those words.

"Ohh, nice to meet you Dan," she said, sticking her right hand out to shake, "I'm Chelsea."

"Nice to meet you too" Dan shook the girls much smaller hand.

"This is my sister, Charlotte, but we call her Charly." The girl sat there awkwardly, smirking so she didn't look rude. Peyton stepped forward and shook her hand, as did Phil and Dan.

After all of the introducing was done we all sat down in the semi-circle booth. Chelsea and her boyfriend sat at the outer left side of the half circle, Phil and Peyton in the middle, and Dan and Charlotte in the right. Everyone was a couple but them, however they both knew they were trying to be put together.

This was going to be a long night.


1,089 words

Sorry if there's any mistakes, I didn't really have any time to proof read this chapter x.

Lmao so anyways i am dating someone new, and if you want to learn about it you'll need to check out my journal entries, because I'm too lazy to type it out again.

That's really all, for this a/n


Bye! x

-lae x

QOTD: Do you enjoy the leaves changing?

AOTD: YESYESYES. i love it. all of the colors are so so so pretty!! autumn will always be my favorite month!

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