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"I'm bored, we should do something tonight while Peyton's at Chelsea's," Dan suggested.

"You're right." Phil agreed, "Something small though."

"Yeah, obviously. Do you think I have the friends to throw a huge party?" Dan remarked sarcastically.

"Whatever," Phil smirks and rolls his eyes playfully. "So what were you thinking?"

"Nothing really, just have some friends over, maybe play some video games?"

"Yeah, that does sound fun. Who are you thinking about inviting?" Phil questions.

"Charly, and Chris maybe. Definitely Charly, maybe Chris." Dan says.

"Why wouldn't you invite Chris?" Phil asks.

"We just had a falling out a couple months back, but I've been thinking I need to fix things," Dan replies, sounding bummed.


"Um how about you, anyone you want to have over?" Dan asks.

"Probably just Peej." He shrugged, starting to look a little upset.

"I-Is something wrong?" Dan stutters.

"I'd just feel bad if Pey got upset y'know?" Phil explains.

"Well as much as I appreciate that she's sharing this home with me, this is your home too, Phil. So if you wanna text her, when she'll be gone all night, you shouldn't have to be scared to text her and let her know you're having a few people over." Dan said.

"I suppose you're right." Phil shrugged again. " Thanks." He said softly, is lips curving to a cute smile, that made Dan do nothing more than smile back.

"No problem, I'll text everyone, except Peyton, that's on you. She's a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes." Dan chuckled.

"Yeah." Phil agreed cautiously.

- - - - -

Dan nervously scrolled through his contact. PJ already agreed to come over, and Dan was obviously nervous about calling Chris. They hadn't talked in months, ever since he got mad at Dan for completely neglecting their friendship.





Dan became more and more anxious at each ring.




"For fucks sake, Dan. Why in the hell are you calling me right now?" Chris says.

"Woah there," Dan says, caught completely off guard. "Well I figured we needed to talk, it's been too long."

"Why so you can blow me off some more. Always keeping me waiting for an invitation to hang out? No thanks. Clearly, you've replaced me with someone much better than me." He burst out.

"Chris-" Dan began.

"Don't 'Chris' me. You are such a dick you know that? I figured if you cared about this friendship you wouldn't blow me off on something as simple as hanging out. But no you also blew off ever apologizing or making things better. Two months Dan, two months! I haven't heard from you at all. I realized a few weeks ago how bad I felt, and although I still made my efforts, you ignored me!"

"I know, and I'm sorry Chris. I really am. I've been so distracted and caught up in actually finding a new friend I just, left you out. I realize that isn't fair. I'm really sorry." Dan tries.

"Why did you ignore me two weeks ago then? When I tried to repair things?" Chris says, obviously still pissed.

"I got a new phone, my mom got pissed at me, I couldn't risk her finding me," Dan says softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't remember your number."

"You didn't know Phil's number but you got it anyway." Chris retorts.

"That's beside the point, I'm sorry and I miss you. Please, Chris, forgive me." Dan pleads.

"Don't blow me off Howell. This is the only second chance you get."

"I can still get thirds right?" Dan asks slyly, receiving a small laugh from the other line.

"Good one."

"Anyways, you want me to stop blowing you off? How bout you come over to Phil's place, we're having our friend Charly over and Peej too." Dan suggests.

"Really?" Chris asks. "Actually, that sounds great. Where does Phil live?"

"I'll text you the details. See you then."

"You too, Danny." Chris hangs up. Dan smiles, feeling a huge sense of relief, happy that all that got cleared up.

- - - - -

After texting Chris all the info, he rings Charly, who picks up almost immediately.

"Sup dick," Charly answers the phone.

"Sup Charlotte."

"Jump off a bridge would you Dan?" Charly says sounding innocent, yet the words coming out of her mouth obviously weren't.

"Maybe I will," Dan responds.

"Good, now what do you want?" She asks.

"Wanna hang out with me, Phil, and a few other friends? At Phil's place?"

"Dunno, will there be alcohol?" Charly asks.

"Nope," Dan responds.

"Lame." the girl groans.

"Whatever," Dan laughs "Are you coming or not?"

"Yeah, I guess. But can I bring my new girlfriend? I really want you guys to meet her." Charly asks.

"Of course!" Dan exclaims "You didn't even mention a girl to me."

"Yeah yeah, I've been busy," Charly tells him.

"It's fine."

"Anyways, I better get going. See you tonight." Charly says.

"Okay, see you too." Dan hangs up.

Dan smiles to himself, excited for tonight.

However having not a clue about the realization he'd come to that night.


838 words


anyways um pls leave some questions on my page by respinding to my latest message, and leavinga question on my page

gotta blast, its meh bedtime, stepdad boutta gethella pissed at me for beuin up ima snake iuk

-lae xx

QOTD: What color are your eyes?

AOTD: rlly pretty shade of hazel (i actually like that feature on me :::))))

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