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Dan looked at himself in the mirror a final time, his nerves going insane. BBC was one of the biggest companies in the UK, between their T.V. shows and their amazing radio stations, many people would be listening to Dan and that was terrifying. What if they don't like him? What if the people find his taste in music awful, or his jokes unfunny? He knew so many people would be listening to him, and judging him, and suddenly he was wondering why he had decided to do this.

'Because it would make Phil happy' Dan thought to himself.

It was apparent most of the things Dan would be doing for a while would be for that reason, and he was okay with that. That beautiful smile was worth anything.

"You ready?" asked Phil, peeking into Dan's bathroom doorway, startling Dan.

"Yeah, almost." Dan turned to him, shakily exhaling. Phil furrowed his eyebrows.

"You nervous?" he questioned. "You sound like it."

Dan nodded in response, biting the inside of his lip.

"You'll be okay," Phil responded softly. "Now that Sheri's gone, everyone there is so nice and sweet. As for everyone listening, they'll love you. You're one of the funniest people I've ever met. There will be haters, but they'll just be jealous, honey." He grins at the younger boy.

Dan blushes, "Thanks," he mumbles. "I gotta finish straightening my hair and I'll be right down."

"I wish you'd let it be natural, and curly," Phil says, "I love it like that, it looks so cute."

Dan stays silent, smiling at the ground.

"Meet you in the car." Phil says, breaking the silence.

Dan nods, continuing to fix up his hair.


Phil left the room, confused by the actions he just expressed.

'Honey?' he thought, 'I don't even call Peyton honey.'

He brushed it off as only treating him so endearing because he was trying to calm him down.

Deep down he knew it was much more than that though...


Eventually Dan made it to the car, feeling much more calmed down at the words that him and Phil exchanged.

"Excited?" Phil asked, starting up the car.

"I think," responded Dan, buckling his seat belt.

Phil began to drive, leaving Dan in the most annoying of awkward silences. Dan stared at Phil, who stared at the road, and he could see nothing but unconfort in Phil's expression..

Why? Was all Dan could wonder about, and the truth was Phil was confused about why he treated Dan the way he did. He didn't feel forced, like he does with Peyton, he just did it, and he didn't understand why.

But Dan didn't know that, and it was confusing to him how Phil could be uncomfortable,  he could only hope it had nothing to do with him.

Thankfully, after the BBC interview show, things should be better, seeing as they'd have to have  natural interaction.


477 words

Hello im kinda back.. im planning to update every wednesday from now on so, yeah.

anyways ill be able to update more once i get my new laptop sometime in july.

thats kinda all for now, maybe i'll update my journal so go check that out, and add it to your library if you'd  like.

im back babyyyyyy

-laney xx

QOTD: What makes you happiest and why does it make you feel that way?

AOTD: sounds cliche but my boyfriend. he always finds a way to just make me smile, hes so cute and i literally love him so much

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