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'I don't know what you want me to do about it' I laughed, rolling my eyes at Bailey.

'You could get me a new one?' She asked and winked at me. I glared at her then scoffed.

'Excuse me, you were the one who just decided to drop your phone in the middle of the freakin' shopping centre' Liv stated, raising an eyebrow and folded her arms to her chest.

'That is very true. You get a new one yourself' I smirked.

'Whatever' She muttered under her breath as we continued to walk back to my house.

'Mum left us some dinner in the fridge' Tristan yelled out from the living room as I started to walk into the kitchen.

'Cheers' I mumbled under my breath, sitting down at the dining table.

'Your mum still not speaking to you?' Liv asked.

'Looks like it' I shrugged my shoulders. Bailey looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile.

'I'm used to it' I smiled.

'At least you're allowed to come out' Bailey chuckled lightly, making a true point.

'Yeah I guess so' I laughed.

'Oh, hey' A voice spoke, making us jump.

'Bradley! You're back' I screamed, getting up and ran into his arms.

'Yes I am' He laughed, squeezing me so tight.

'How was America then?' Liv asked, as soon as when we all finished hugging and sat down at the table.

'It was amazing, but I actually couldn't wait to get back home. I was missing you lot so much' He grinned ear to ear, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 

'Aw what a cutie' Liv teased, making his face go a shade of red.

'What have I missed then?' He asked. Suddenly the girls looked at me, waiting for me to say something.

'This is gonna be interesting then' He smirked, turning his body towards me.

'Erm I got expelled' I murmured. He leaned in closer to me with his jaw wide open dramatically.

'No way' He sarcastically spoke, folding his arms to his chest.

'Wait but who's gonna help me in biology from now on?' He frowned at me with those puppy dog eyes.

'What you looking at me like that for? It's not like I can be 'unexpelled' can I?' I questioned.


'Mum, have you given any thought about any other schools?' I asked as I saw her sitting on her own in the living room.

'I've given in a lot of thought but you're almost finished with year 13 in like two months so what's the point for you to move again if you're almost done with school' She sighed.

'I can start looking for a job if I'm not going to a school?' I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

'Yes. You're going to look for a job tomorrow with Tristan' She gave me a small smile before standing up.

'Goodnight baby' She kissed my head and walked off upstairs.

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