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Few months have passed. And my baby bump is showing, at last.

'Hurry up' I can hear Liv shouting.

'Shut up!' I yell, walking down the stairs.

'Finally' Liv giggles, practically pushing me out of the door.

'I know you're excited about baby shopping but seriously, I can't walk fast' I laugh.

'I know I know, your back and feet are aching' She rolls her eyes.

'Oh shush you' I laugh, giving her a nudge on the side.


'How's everything?' Brad asks as soon as I answer his phone call.

'It's going okay. Liv is going crazy with those baby clothes, we might need to warn Connor' I chuckle. I watch her rummaging through the baby clothes racks, she really is enjoying herself.

'I heard that' Connor says.

'Sorry' I giggle.

'We're all waiting for you to come home' Brad whines.

'I know, you've gotta be patient' I reply.

'Is it a boy?' Tristan asks.

'I'm talking to Brad, have him back on the phone please' I laugh.

'I didn't hear a no' I hear Tristan laugh,

'Shut up' Brad says.

'Right I'm gonna go now. We'll be home in about half an hour. I love you' I say.

'I love you too, have fun' He says before hanging up the phone call.

'Aria!' Liv calls out. I look at her, holding the smallest and cutest shoes.

'We gotta get those!' I coo.

'Did you give in and told them the sex of the baby?' She glares at me.

'No!' I reply.

'Good' She smiles.


'We're home!' Liv shouts as soon as we enter in the house.  The boys runs over to us.

'Jheeze. Let's go in my room' I laugh. I follow the guys upstairs to my room and they all sit on the floor, like very excited children.

'Where's mum?' I ask.

'I'm here' Mum walks in.

'Good. Now sit down' I tell her. She laughs and sits down next to the boys on the floor while Liv and I sit on the bed.

'Please be a girl' I could hear my mum beg. I try not to laugh.

'The sex of this baby is a ...' Liv says slowly. I pull out a pair of pink socks.

'Girl!!!' The boys jumps up and cheers, giving each other hugs.

'We're having a daughter' Brad hugs me so tight.

'Yes we are' I grin widely. Seeing the huge smile on his face makes me so happy, it's all I ever want to do. Make him smile and happy.

'I love you' He kisses my forehead as we hug again.

'We love you too' I chuckle.

'I'm gonna be an uncle to my niece' Tristan cheers, giving us both a hug.

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