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I gasp for air as we walk into our hotel room, tying my hair up in a ponytail.

'I'm gonna open the windows' Tris informs. Aria slowly walks in the room with Brad behind her, I give them both a smile before I walk to the bedroom.

'Are you okay?' I hear Connor ask.

'Yeah I'm okay, I just need to double check that I've packed everything' I reply, checking under the bed.

'Hey Livvy, stop' Con sighs, sitting on the bed. I ignore him and continue to look in the drawers.

'Olivia' He raises his voice slightly, placing his hands on my cheeks. I sigh, sitting down on the bed next to him.

'I don't think it's right to leave when Aria and Bailey aren't on good terms' I say quietly.

'I know, but Aria's stubborn, she won't change her mind' Con replies.

'I know' I give him a quick smile and leaves the bedroom, joining the others. Connor follows.

'Aria don't eat all the ice cream' James laughs.

'I've been eating hospital food for days' She raises an eyebrow.

'Okay okay just continue eating' Tristan grins, giving James a warning glare. 

'Guys we have 3 hours to spare before we head to the airport' Brad announces.

'I wanna get some sleep' Aria says, putting the ice cream tub on the table and slowly gets up.

'Don't get up, we'll sleep here' Brad smiles, grabbing her hand. She grins back at him as she lays down on the sofa.

'I'm going to my room, anyone coming?' Tristan asks. The others have left with him, leaving Aria and Brad. I join them.


'Bradley' Aria quietly calls out.

'Yes' I whisper in her ear.

'Oh wasn't sure if you're sleeping' She turns around, facing me.

'Why aren't you sleeping?' I ask her, stroking her arm gently.

'My leg hurts' She sighs. I carefully lift her leg and puts it on top of my leg.

'Do you need anything?' I ask.

'You' She grins. I hug her tightly and kisses her head. I gently stroke her leg, trying to at least ease the pain.

'I love you' I chuckle.

'I love you too' She says, resting her head on my chest.


'Time to leave' Connor yells, walking into the room. I groan, rubbing my eyes.

'Aria, wake up' I gently shake her shoulders.

'Aria, get up' Liv chuckles, standing beside Con. He furrows his eyebrows in concern. Suddenly, my heart starts to pound faster.

'Aria!' Liv yells, running towards us. James and Tristan run towards us, asking what happened.

'Why is she not waking up?!' I gasp in utter shock. We all freeze for a second, not knowing what to do. I stare at Aria, with a tear rolling down my cheek.

'Bradley' Aria groans and slowly rolls over. I gasp in relief, wrapping my arms around her so tight.

'Oh my god' Tristan whispers quietly, resting his head in his hands.

'Thank god' James exhales, shaking his head slightly.

'Aria, are you okay?' Liv asks, raising her eyebrows.

'Yeah' She groggily replies, still in my arms.

'Are you sure?' I ask.

'Yes I'm fine' She says.

'Aria, we thought you were dead!' Tris yells.

'Tristan, don't shout' Connor raises his voice at him.

'I heard you all, I just couldn't wake up' Aria explains, holding my hand as she slowly stands up.

'It must be the medication' Liv says.


'I'm so sorry for scaring you earlier' Aria apologises.

'Don't ever say sorry' I kiss her head.

'Tough. I didn't mean for anyone to worry' She looks at me with teary eyes.

'Hey don't cry, it's not your fault and the important thing is that you're safe with me' I speak, putting her leg onto mine.

'I would be lost without you' She smiles, looking into my eyes.

'I'm here now' I reply. She rests her head onto my shoulder and stares out the airplane window.

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