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'Peter, this is my daughter Aria and my son Tristan' Mum smiles, finally introducing us to her new boyfriend.

'Hi' I greet, politely shaking his hand.

'Nice to finally meet you' Tristan chuckles, shaking his hand.

'Now I can finally put faces to the names' Peter laughs.

'We're gonna be late' Mum grabs his hand and left the house pretty quickly without saying goodbye properly. I sigh quietly, staring at the photo of Dad in the living room on the window sill.

'I miss him too' Tristan walks towards me and hugs me so tight, I start to cry. I hear the front door open and I quickly wipe my tears before anyone sees.

'Hey' I hear Brad's voice. I gasp quietly, running into his arms.

'You're back!' I grin, hugging him tightly.

'I missed you so much' He kisses my forehead.

'How's your sister?' Tristan asks as we all sit down on the sofa.

'Yeah, she's recovering' Brad smiles.

'That's good' I reply, sitting on his lap.


'Bradley' I call out as he was sitting across my room on my desk.

'Yes babe' He reply, looking up at me from his laptop.

'Remember when you told me that if things get bad, we run away' I sigh. He walks towards me and sits next to me on the bed.

'What's been going on while I was away?' He asks.

'Mum's got a new boyfriend' I speak quietly. He says nothing and hugs me very tight.

'I understand that it is very hard for you' He sighs.

'I met him today for the first time' I chuckle. 'He was nice'

'That's a good start then' He smiles.

'I want to go somewhere far far away from here'

'Okay. Then let's go to Blackpool' Brad says, standing up. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

'What, now?' I ask. 

'Yes now. I'll go book us train tickets. Start packing' He orders. God, I love him so much.

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