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'He sent me a huge bouquet of flowers' Liv sighs as I enter in her house. I give her a hug before we sit down and I look at her face, red teary eyes, mascara stained cheeks and runny nose. This is hurting her a lot more than I thought.

'Connor isn't talking to me at the moment' I roll my eyes.

'Why?' She asks, curious.

'I tried to be gentle but he took it off the wrong way' I shrug my shoulders.

'He'll come back to you. He adores you a lot' She smiles.

'I know I'm his best friend' I chuckle. 'But you're his best friend as well' I add. She sighs, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

'I miss him so much. I miss his smell. I miss cuddling with him every morning and night. I miss hearing him laugh. I miss seeing him smile. I miss him calling my name. I miss him holding me when I'm crying' She quietly speaks. I gasp quickly as she falls onto her knees, I run over to her and holds her really tight.

'We'll help you guys sort it out' I kiss her forehead.


'Have you spoken to Liv yet?' James asks, watching Connor play FIFA on his Xbox.

'Nope' He replies bluntly.

'Aria called me earlier. Liv truly is broken' I said.

'And I'm not?' Con questions, raising an eyebrow. 'I've barely been out of my room since, I'm not sleeping' He adds.

'You will sleep okay once you've spoken to her' James says.

'We all know you had a crush on her, you can have her' Con snaps at him.

'I've got Charlotte!' James exclaims.

'How long will that last until Liv runs into your arms' Con scoffs, chucking his Xbox controller against the wall.

'There's no need for this!' I yell.

'Connor go fucking talk to Liv. James go see Charlotte or something' Tristan sighs, shaking his head unbelievably at this mess.

'I sent her flowers. Hopefully she'll calm down' Connor softly speaks once James left.

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