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'Sweetie' I whisper in Brad's ear, gently waking him up.

'What's up?' He asks, turning over on the bed, facing me.

'I can't sleep' I sigh. He pulls me in closer and wraps his arms around me tighter.

'You're thinking too much. Just relax' He quietly speaks, resting his head on top of my head.

'I'm trying' I reply, holding his hand.

'Try go to sleep or do you want to go for a walk?' He asks.

'It's freezing out there' I chuckle.

'Then let's go to sleep' He chuckles. I cuddle up closer to him and close my eyes.


'Liv went to a party last night' James scoffs, walking into my room.

'Oh' I reply, confused.

'Wow' Brad rolls his eyes, annoyed.

'I don't know why she's putting distance between all of us when really it should be just Connor' I speak.

'Well I don't know and to be fair I don't really care anymore' James sighs, walking out of my room.

'Did he seem alright to you?' I ask Brad.

'No I think Connor is getting to him' He replies, shaking his head slightly.

'I hate this' I groan, pulling my body down onto my bed. Brad does the same.

'They just need to talk. They're barely talking and taking it out on us instead' He says, looking at me.

'Let's just like lock them in the car' I chuckle.

'Yeah actually that's not a bad idea' Brad sits up. I laugh even more and we run downstairs to tell James and Tristan. Luckily, Connor is on his way here.



'Connor I've left my phone charger in the car, please can you do me a favour and get it for me?' Aria asks with puppy eyes and pouts.

'Alright' I chuckle softly, walking towards her car. Brad and Tristan were laid on the grass, sunbathing.

'Tris, unlock the car please' I speak. He listens and I get in the front seat of the car, not seeing the charger anywhere. I hear the car lock.

'Hey' I hear a soft voice behind me. I turn around, seeing the most beautiful girl sitting, teary eyes and mascara stained cheeks.

'What are you doing here?' I ask, confused.

'They tricked us' Liv chuckles.

'How are you doing?' I ask. I don't know what to say, it's been a week and a half.

'How do you think?' She asks, wiping away a tear. All I wanted to do was to hold her so tight and make everything okay, but no what she did really hurt me.

'Sorry' I sigh, looking away.

'I miss you Connor' She sobs. My heart drops so fast into my stomach. I can't.

'I miss you' I reply quietly.

'Please can we talk about this?' She pleads. I look at her,

'What's there to say? You cheated on me sober' I bluntly speak.

'I'm so so sorry. I need you, I'll do anything to be in your arms again' She sighs, wiping away tears. I didn't reply. I say in silence for about a good 10 minutes.

'You know what, I can't do this anymore. Olivia, I love you so much. Please stop crying, it hurts me seeing you like this' I climb over to the back of the car and hug her so tight.

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