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'Wow you're absolutely stunning' Brad gasps as I slowly walk down the stairs.

'Shut up' I giggle, walking into his arms and hugs him tightly.

'I'm so proud to call you my girlfriend right now but at the same time I'm not sure if I should let you go out' He chuckles.

'Why?' I ask.

'Because you're mine, I don't want anyone else looking at you' He plants kisses all over my face, making me giggle.

'Get a room' James laughs.

'How are you feeling?' I ask him as he got out of hospital yesterday.

'I'm feeling okay, thank you' He smiles and hugs me.

'Liv hurry up!' Connor shouts at the bottom of the stairs.

'I'm coming!!' She shouts back.

'Friendship goals, you're matching' Tris chuckles. I'm wearing a dark red bralet and white skirt with a black belt. Liv decided to wear black skirt and white bandeau.

'Kind of' I laugh.

It's funny that we're all going out to dinner together in a really posh restaurant, normally we'll just go to Nando's.

'After you my lady' Brad pulls out my chair.

'Thank you' I smile, trying not to laugh.

'Stop laughing' He whispers. I try to contain myself while reading the menu.


'I'm so full' I whine, dumping my body onto my bed beside Brad.

'You're eating for two now' He chuckles, placing his hand onto my stomach.

'I cannot wait for the baby bump' I giggle, placing my hand on his hand.

'We all can't wait' Liv squeals excitedly.

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