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'Come on then!' I yell at Tristan as I stand outside the front door.

'Alright' He yells back, closing the door behind him.

'No need to yell, I'm right here' I chuckle, walking down the driveway.


'The only way is to fire Aria but I don't want to do that. She is a great staff member' My manager, Steve, says to Tristan. I couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

'Or you could tell Paige to quit hassling her?' Tristan harshfully speaks. I roll my eyes slightly while cleaning the tables.

'Okay fine. I'll try' Steve gets up and shakes Tristan's hand before walking to the back door leading to his office.

'Well that wasn't so hard was it?' Tristan says, walking towards me. I smile and nod my head.


'Did you hear about Bailey?' Connor asks, walking towards me in the kitchen. I nod my head in response with a frown on my face.

'Aw baby' He sighs, giving me a hug. I smile at this, I haven't really spoke or be this close to Connor in a while and I miss it.

'Liv told me to tell you that we're throwing a last minute farewell party tomorrow' He informs. I sigh, obviously not surprised because Liv is a party animal and she obviously loves planning parties.

'Does Bailey know about this?' I ask, once we sat down.

'Nope but I'm pretty sure Liv's gonna tell her because she can't keep secrets from her' He laughs. I laugh with him and nod my head in agreement.

'In all seriousness, is there something going on between you and Brad? He asks with a cheeky smirk.

'Er no, why?' I awkwardly laugh, shaking my head.

'You guys seem closer, like closer than you guys were before' He replies, wiggling his eyebrows.

'Oh well he's been away for a while and I've missed him' I smile.

'Hm okay' He winks at me. I roll my eyes jokingly, standing up and follows him upstairs to Tristan's room, where everybody else are.

'Look who's here' Brad grins ear to ear, grabbing my hand and pulls me down to sit next to him on the beanbags.

'Someone's a bit eager' Connor smirks. I try to hold my laughter, trying to ignore him but it's kinda hard to do when he's constantly winding us up.

'Dude shut up' Brad bluntly speaks, making me snigger with laughter. I look up to Connor who then rolls his eyes and looks away to watch TV in silence. 

'So tomorrow. You sure you don't mind about throwing Bailey's party here?' Liv asks me and Tris. 

'Yes. Anything for our friends' Tris replies. Liv squeals with excitement and hugs us both. I laugh.

'Okay. So, I'm gonna text everyone now. Party starts at 7 and ends whenever' Liv smiles, taking her phone out to start texting and leaves the room.

'Typical of her' James slightly laughs, shaking his head.

'But hey, we need a party planner in our squad' Brad smirks.

'Squad?' James questions, trying not to laugh.

'Yes. Squad' Brad smiles.

'We're such squad goals innit' I turn around to Brad, giving him a high five.

'You two are such relationship goals' Connor teases, wiggling his eyebrows.

'Shut up' Brad and I yell together.

'See' Con continues wiggling his eyebrows. I look at Brad as he looks at me and starts laughing but I kinda feel awkward now.

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