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'Guys, Charlotte's little brother is in hospital. I'm gonna go over there' James inform us.

'Oh okay. We'll be there later' I reply, giving him a smile before he leaves.

'Hope they're all okay' Liv says.

'Me too' Brad agrees. I sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

'Where's Bailey?' I ask.

'She's still sleeping in my bed' Tris replies.

'Did you sleep with her?' I smirk.

'No of course not. I slept on my chair' He chuckles.

'What a gentleman' Liv giggles.


'Let's go to the fair' I suggest.

'It's like 8 o'clock, isn't it late??' Connor asks, confused.

'Yeah it closes at 11' I chuckle.

'Let's go' Brad cheers.

'I'm gonna text James in case he went to our house and no one's there' Tris says.

'Wear warm clothes. It's gonna be freezing tonight and you can't wear shorts' Brad tells me.

'Yes boss' I laugh, going upstairs to get changed. I put on leggings, pink jumper and black adidas jacket. I head back downstairs.

'Let's go' Bailey chuckles.

'Are you sure you want to go' I whisper to her. She nods her head in reply. I give her a smile before we all leave the house.


'I lost Brad' I sigh, standing in the middle of the fair with Liv.

'Same I've lost Connor' She pouts.

'They're probably on a ride' I shrug my shoulders.

'Yeah probably. There's no signal here' She continues to pout.

'Great' I roll my eyes. I hold her hand and walk around to look for the boys. I see Bailey at the arcade with Tristan so we walk towards them.

'Have you seen Brad or Connor?' I ask them.

'The last time I saw them, was when they were with you' Bailey replies.

'Ooh there's signal here' Liv excitedly speaks, taking out her phone. I look at my phone and I receive 6 missed calls and 5 text messages from Brad. 2 missed calls from Connor.

'Baby where are you? We're getting really worried. Meet us at the entrance, we'll wait for you. Please be okay. I love you' I listen to Brad's voicemail. I start to smile.

'Brad said to meet them at the entrance' I grab Liv's hand and walks quickly.

'Where are they?' Liv asks as we arrive at the entrance but nobody's there.

'Oh thank good' Someone hugs me from behind, making me jump.

'Yay you're okay' I turn around and hug him so tight.

'Why did you go off?' Connor asks.

'We didn't. We thought you were behind us until we realised you weren't' Liv replies.

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