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'You've been sick a lot recently. Are you sure you're okay?' Tristan asks, holding my hair back up while I throw up in the toilet.

'Yeah it's probably food poisoning from that new restaurant we went on tuesday' I suggest. I stand up, holding onto the sink and stare at the mirror. My hair is a mess, my makeup is all smudged and my eye bags are noticeable. We walk into my room and sit on my bed.

'Hello?' I hear Brad shout from the front door downstairs.

'We're in here!' Tristan shouts. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

'Please don't tell him I've been sick' I beg Tris before Brad walks into my room.

'Have you been crying?' Brad asks, hugging me.

'Yeah we were watching Marley & Me, that film gets me every time' I chuckle. I look at Tris who tries to laugh along with me but he made it awkward instead.


'Josh is throwing a party tonight. Let's go' Connor cheers. I really do not feel up to partying right now. Tristan quickly looks at me, knowing I don't wanna go.

'Okay let me get ready' I smile at Connor, quickly walking upstairs with Liv.

'Are you sure you're okay? You seem really quiet today' Liv whispers.

'Yeah I'm fine, I'm tired' I chuckle. After getting ready, we head into the taxi. My phone beeps, I look at it and it's a text from Tristan, asking if I'm okay. I ignore it, putting the phone in my coat pocket and hold Brad's hand.

'Erm Paige is outside?' Liv says confused as the taxi stops outside Josh's house.

'They're probably going out. Paige goes out with every boy' I laugh.

'Yeah' James laugh, referring to Tristan. Thank god Tris is in a different taxi with Connor and Liv otherwise he would've snapped James' neck.

'Let's get this party started' Brad yells as we get out of the taxi and pay the driver. We walk into the house, the smell of smoke and alcohol consumes me.

'You made it!' Josh greets us and gives me a hug.

'Long time no see' I chuckle.

'I'm glad you're here' He kisses my cheek and walks away.

'Let's go get some drinks' Brad pulls my hand and drags us to the kitchen.

'Not for me thanks. I don't feel like drinking tonight' I sigh.

'Oh. Are you alright?' He asks.

'Yeah' I quickly reply, avoiding eye contact and looks out the window.

'Okay' He sighs, taking a shot of vodka.



'Brad, stop dancing and be there for your girlfriend. She's upstairs throwing up!' Liv shouts at me. I rush upstairs, following Liv to the bathroom.

'I want to go home' Aria cries. I sit behind her, tying her hair up in a bun.

'Did you drink anything?' I ask.

'No. Barely anything' Liv replies. I raise an eyebrow in confusion. Aria continues to throw up more and it's getting worse.

'She's probably coming down with a bug. She needs to go home' Liv sighs.

'Call a taxi for me, I'll take her home' I say. Liv walks away to call a taxi for me, while I rub Aria's back gently.

'Baby I'm taking you home' I whisper.

'Thank you' She looks up at me, and I quietly gasp. She doesn't look the same anymore. There's a look in her eyes telling me that she's in pain.

'Are you in any kind of pain?' I ask her. Seeing her like this worries me.

'No. I just feel so sick and dizzy' She whines. She grabs my hand and we stand up slowly at the same time. Liv comes back and puts Aria's arm around her neck and I put her other arm around my neck. We head downstairs and leaves the house, waiting for the taxi.

'I'm gonna be sick' Aria shakily talks, then throw up all over the road.

'I'll get a bucket. She can't throw up all over the taxi' Liv quickly says and runs into the house.

'You'll be okay soon baby' I give her a reassuring smile. Liv runs back, giving me a bucket. The taxi arrives.

'Thank you. I'll text you when we arrive back home. Please tell the boys' I say to Liv, while putting Aria's seatbelt on.


'I love you' Aria whispers in my ear as we cuddle.

'I love you' I reply, kissing her cheek. I gently stroke her hair, watching her eyes fall asleep. I smile to myself, admiring how beautiful and cute she is. She is so gentle and caring, it melts my heart.

tired and blue /bws/ Where stories live. Discover now