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'I didn't mean to fuck everything up. I really do love her' Connor sighs, burying his head into his hands. I look over at Brad who was lying down on the sofa beside Con, as I don't know what to say.

'I'm sure you guys will work it out' Brad says.

'You know who the girl was?' Connor asks. I shake my head.

'She was my first love' He sighs.

'Oh. Shit' Brad murmurs under his breath but we all heard him.

'Damn' I sigh.

'I love Olivia so much. I don't love Georgia anymore but I will always care about her and always will have a place for Gee in my heart'. Con sits up and looks at me helplessly. Considering that Brad is my first love, I kinda can relate to him.

'It's still not an excuse for what happened last night. You've really upset Liv' Brad shakes his head.

'If she was upset, why was she kissing Harley?' Connor snaps. I look at Brad with a concerned look on my face.

'She was angry and so upset, she wasn't even thinking straight. If you weren't with Georgia, then she wouldn't have done it. ' I try to explain. Connor stands up, and walks closer towards me.

'How would you feel if Brad is sober and kissing another girl in the same room as you?' He asks, clenching his jaw.

'Connor. Back away from her' Brad tries to pull him away from me.

'I don't know how I would feel because I know he wouldn't do that to me.' I look at Brad who smiles at me.

'That's what I thought about Liv. Clearly I was wrong' He sighs, pushing Brad off of him and walks away out of the house.

'For gods sake' I roll my eyes, Brad walks towards me and hugs me.


'Why Harley' I ask Liv. She looks at me with her red teary eyes and shrugs her shoulders.

'He offered me a shoulder to cry on and I really needed someone. He was there.' She sniffles.

'You should've just went up to Connor and sort things out like adults' I roll my eyes.

'Why you so mad at me?' Liv groans,

'I'm not' I shake my head.

'You are!' She exclaims.

'Fine I am, I'm mad at the both of you. You guys are made for each other, without each other you're not yourselves. And I'm worried that this is going to destroy our friendship with the others, including Brad. Start behaving like adults and sort it out' I say before walking away.

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