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I finish applying my daily makeup and start to straighten my hair.

'Can I borrow your nude lipstick?' Liv asks. I nod my head, looking for the lipstick in my makeup bag and give it to her once I found it.

'You look so hot' I gasp as I look at her. She grins widely, spinning around. Her denim skirt flowing around in the air, along with her long silky blonde hair.

'So are you!' She squeals, as I copy her and spins around. After taking a couple of selfies and posting it on social media, we finally head downstairs and meet the boys in the living room but Tristan and Connor are currently shopping for some alcohol and food.

'Damn' I hear James whisper, staring at Liv. He so fancies her even though they both keep denying it, you could feel it.

'Beautiful!' Brad sings, clapping his hands proudly. I blush, staring at the ground.

'Aw you made her blush' James teases, smirking. I roll my eyes jokingly. I get compliments all the time but coming from Brad, I just get this feeling inside where my stomach flutters and my heart racing fast.

'Let's set up the drinks, James help me?' Liv says, signalling James to leave the room. He nods his head, getting up and exits with Liv.

'You're not too bad yourself' I smile at Brad, putting music on speakers as the party is starting very soon.

'I know' He smirks then winks at me, causing my stomach to flutter. Damn.


'You guys!! This is the best party ever' Bailey grins ear to ear, wrapping her arms around my shoulder and Liv's shoulder.

'Aw baby' I hug her so tight, mainly because she's drunk and starting to lose her balance.

'I love you so much' Bailey sighs, kissing my cheek.

'We love you too' Liv replies, giving her a kiss on the forehead. We watch Bailey wander out into the garden with other people and we start to laugh when she fell into a boy's arms.

'I'm gonna miss her' Connor sighs, joining us.

'Yeah' Liv frowns.

'Come on guys, tonight is not the time to be sad. We can be sad tomorrow. Let's dance' I smile, taking Liv and Connor's hands to the middle of the floor in the living room.



'Have you seen Aria?' I ask Tristan, as I've tried to find her for the past 5 minutes.

'Dancing with Liv and Con in the living room. They've been at it for like 20 minutes ' He yells in my ear, over the blaring music right next to us. I give him a thumbs up.

'Why?' Tristan asks with a smirk.

'Just wanted to see how she's doing. Haven't seen her all night' I reply with a gentle smile.

'Yeah right' He chuckles. 'You just wanna make sure she's not out there kissing another dude' He says. 

'Pft no' I shake my head.

'Come on. You're so bad at lying' He laughs.

'Okay fine yeah' I admit. He nudges me in the side, signalling that Aria is heading into our direction.

'Hello' She drunkly speaks, wrapping her arm around my neck.

'She's been drinking?' I question Tristan.

'She knows she's not allowed to drink?' He says, unsure. I furrow my eyebrows.

'She's probably been spiked' I sigh, shaking my head in annoyance. I wrap my arm around her waist and leads us to the garden to get some fresh air.

'I missed you' She giggles like a little girl, running her hands through my hair.

'I missed you too' I smile, sitting her down on a bench. I catch two boys looking at her and whispering some things about her. I ignore them and focuses on Aria who just threw up in a flower pot beside her.

'I see she enjoyed her drinks then' A boy sniggers with laughter.

'What are you talking about?' I stand up, facing him. The other boy walks away until he's out of my sight.

'I may not or may have put some vodka in her drinks' He smirks. I feel my blood boiling, and instantly my fist connects with his face, landing him into the floor.

'Brad!' Aria shouts. James runs towards me and smacks my head.

'What the fuck are you doing?' James asks, as the boy runs off.

'He spiked her drinks and now look at her' I bluntly reply. I'm not annoyed that he spiked her drinks, well maybe I am but because she's so drunk, these boys would take advantage of her so well, and she's not gonna remember it tomorrow morning. I don't want anything to happen to her, and I would not be happy if anyone touched or did anything to her.

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