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'Can you get me the water bottle over there please?' I ask Tristan, pointing my finger at my drawer.

'Why can't you get it yourself?' He whines, giving me the bottle. I smile at him

'Thank you. My leg hurts' I reply.

'What, from the accident?' He asks, raising an eyebrow.

'I guess so' I shrug my shoulder.

'You said the pain was gone' He says, confused.

'Yeah it was gone, but I woke up this morning with a pain in my knee' I explain.

'Luckily we still have the pills for your knee' He smiles.

'I can't take any pills' I sigh.

'Oh yeah I forgot. Sorry' He awkwardly chuckles. He takes his phone out of his phone and starts typing, probably to research if pregnant women are allowed to take painkillers.


'Mum where you going?' I ask, as she was headed to the front door.

'Going shopping with Pete. I'll be back around 8' She smiles, giving me a kiss on the forehead before exiting. I sigh quietly, I never see her around ever since she got with Peter.

'Hey if she's happy, we're happy' Tris smiles.

'I know, I just miss Dad' I sigh, looking at the photo of him beside the TV.

'Me too' He wraps his arm around me.

'Did anyone call for pizza???' I hear Connor shout, opening the front door. Tris and I laugh quietly, before running to the boys. Well I was limping but Tristan ran.

'Are you okay?' Brad asks, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.

'Her knee is hurting again' Tristan replies, not giving me a chance to explain.

'Did you get it checked out?' He asks.

'Not yet, if it still hurts by Tuesday I'll go' I smile.

'For now, we'll be giving you piggyback rides again' Tristan laughs.

'Get on my back' Brad demands, bending down. I carefully climb onto his back and gently wrap my arms around his neck as he takes us upstairs to Tristan's room.

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