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'Baby' I hear Brad tell. I look up and see him running towards us. I stand up and wraps my arms around him so tight.

'Why do bad things always happen to me?' I ask, breaking into tears.

'Oh my god don't cry' Kay sighs while her voice breaks. She walks off, not wanting any of us to see her cry but Ross walks after her.

'Baby your dad's gonna be fine' Brad gives multiple kisses on my head, squeezing me tightly.

'What if he's not' I sob.

'Don't say that' Tris snaps. I sit down in Brad's lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

'Did you guys get some sleep?' Brad asks. Tris and I both shake our heads.

'Go to sleep, and if anything happens I'll wake you' He says, stroking my arm gently.

'No' Tris refuses. I sigh, actually wanting to go sleep because I'm literally shattered.

'Promise you'll wake me the second anything happens?' I ask. Brad smiles and nods his head.

'Pinky promise' He holds out his pinky and I hold it, giggling. He wipes my tears and I rest my head on his chest.


I wake up in the middle of the boys' conversation about some stupid tv programme and I didn't even realise that James and Connor are here.

'Where's mum?' I ask, rubbing my eyes.

'She's still with dad' Tris replies. I sigh, letting go of Brad and stands up.

'Where are you going?' Brad asks, worried.

'To see Dad' I reply.

'No you can't' James runs after me and gently hold my wrist. Suddenly, I hear beeping noises coming from a room and some nurses running towards.

'That's dad's room' I gasp, trying to run as fast as I could with Tristan and others.

'Stay here' A nurse says, closing the door behind her. I see my mum screaming and crying on her knees.

'I'm gonna get mum' Tristan sighs, running into the room.

'It's gonna be okay' Brad hugs me again, I break down into tears. I can't control myself, I start to choke. I can't breathe.

'Aria. Breathe!' Connor pleads, rubbing his hand on my back. The beeping noises stop, I look at the window and they started to take tubes out of my dad. That moment, I know what's just happened but I don't want to admit it.

'I need to go' I quiver, pulling away from Brad.

'Wait' Brad calls out.

'No! Just leave me alone' I sob, walking away from them.

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