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'Happy birthday baby girl' Brad whispers, kissing my head as I hug him.

'I love you' I grin.


After opening my birthday cards and presents, it was time to get ready because Tristan had planned a day out for all of us and I couldn't refuse.

'Guys before we go out, I wanna go to dad's grave' I quietly speak, getting everyone's attention.

'Are you sure?' Liv asks, putting her hand on my shoulder.

'Yeah, I want to' I reply, nodding my head confidently.

'I'll go with you' Brad offers.

'No I can go by myself' I shake my head.

'I'm coming with you' Brad demands.

'Why don't we all go with yourself, then after we'll go out' Tris sighs.

'Okay' I give them a smile before walking upstairs to start getting ready.


'Are you sure this is what you wanna do' Connor asks as we arrive outside the graveyard.

'Yes I'm sure' I let out a small chuckle to reassure them that I'm okay with this.

'Do you want to go alone?' James ask.


'Yeah ' Aria's voice breaks as she turns around and walks away from us.

'She'll be okay' I say to Brad who is really worried that she's going alone.

'It's what she wants' James says.

'I know' Brad exhales, not taking his eyes off Aria.

'I'm going' I sigh, following Aria.

'We're right here if you need us' Brad smiles softly. I smile back at him before turning around and continue following Aria to the grave.

'What are you doing' Aria asks quickly.

'He's my dad too' I reply bluntly.

'Sorry' She murmurs to herself.

'It's okay' I whisper, standing still as we reach the grave. Aria falls to her knees, sobbing hard.

'Aria' I exhale, fighting my tears.

'I'm fine' She says.



'Looking forward to the party tonight' I say to Liv quietly.

'How did you know' She gasps.

'I'm not stupid. You always plan parties' I laugh.

'Don't tell the others' She giggles, wrapping her arm around me as we walk into my house.

'Thanks for lunch Tris' I kiss Tristan's cheek before heading upstairs.

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