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'Did you hear what happened to Paige?' Liv asks.

'No?' I raise an eyebrow, confused.

'She got beaten up yesterday and they just left her on the streets' Tris explains. I widen my eyes, shocked.

'Wow that's awful but I'm sure she deserved it' I shrug my shoulders.

'That's a bit mean' Tris sighs.

'Erm not really. Did you forget what she did to all of us?' I ask, rolling my eyes at him.

'How could we forget' Brad sighs. He holds my hand tightly.

'Moving on, I'm meeting Charlotte soon' James smiles, getting up from his seat.

'Charlotte?' I question as Liv and I exchange looks.

'His hot date' Tris smirks. James chuckles,

'Oh we have to meet her' Liv squeals excitedly.

'She's coming around later, she said she wants to meet you all as well' He grins before leaving the house.

'Bless him' I coo.

'She better not be hot' Liv frowns.

'Someone's jealous' Tris jokes.

'Nobody is prettier than my baby' Connor pulls her in his arms and hugs her tightly.

'Erm she's right over there' Liv giggles, pointing her finger at me. Brad wraps his arm around my shoulder and winks at me.

'Bitch please, you're gorgeous. I'm trash' I laugh.

'Both of you are, leave it at that' Tris laughs, shaking his head.

'You're beautiful' Brad pouts. I give him a kiss before my mum interrupts.

'I'm going to work, see you all tomorrow' She exits.


''Hi Charlotte. I'm Aria' I introduce myself to James' date.

'It's so nice to finally meet you in person' She chuckles as we hug.

'I love your hair' Liv compliments her.

'Thank you' Charlotte smiles. Damn, those pearly white teeth.

'Sit sit' James tells her to sit next to him. She is unbelievably so pretty. Her grey hair sits perfectly on her shoulders, and her makeup, it's literally so perfect, I have no words.

'I'm so jealous of you' I laugh.

'Don't be! You're stunning!' Charlotte exclaims.

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