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'Just give her space' James sighs as I chuck my phone on the bed.

'It's been a day, I mean she didn't even call or text that she got home safe yesterday' I groan.

'Yeah but you know she's home' He says.

'I want her to tell me that' I reply. I rest my head in the palms of my hands.

'Why is Jess even here? You barely saw each other for 2 years' He asks curiously.

'I don't even know, she just rocks up outside the house' I say.

'Yeah but it's Aria's house. It's not like Jess knows who she is and where she lives' He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

'I honestly don't know' I sigh, shaking my head. I hear my phone beep and I quickly pick it up.

'What?' James asks as I stand up.

'Aria wants to see me' I reply, heading downstairs.

'I'll drive you' He offers.


'Baby what's the matter?' I ask as I see Aria sat in the corner of her room, crying.

'Nothing' She sniffs, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her jumper. I sit down next to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

'Baby I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't even know that she was coming, I haven't seen her since we broke up which was 2 years ago' I explain.

'Bradley stop, it's fine' She smiles at me with her sad eyes.

'I hate seeing you so upset' I sigh, hugging her so tight.

'I'm fine now that you're here' She rests her head on my chest. I smile, kissing her head. I could feel her still crying, as I hear a quiet sob.

'Why are you crying?' I ask, worried.

'I'm not' She shakes her head.

'Stop lying, it's so obvious you're upset so start talking to me' I demand. I sit opposite her and hold her hand, waiting for her to start telling me.

'I just got so scared that you're gonna leave me and get back with her' Her voice breaks. I silently gasp at her voice, shaking my head.

'No way that's never gonna happen' I say.

'You say that now but you might' She shrugs her shoulders, looking away from me.

'Baby stop it's not going to happen, you're stuck with me forever' I kiss her and hug her so tight.

'I'm sorry' She apologises.

'Don't be' I kiss her head again. It hurts that she doesn't realise how much I love her, and that she thinks I'm gonna leave her.

'I love you' She says, looking up at me.

'I love you' I reply, looking at her big brown eyes.

tired and blue /bws/ Where stories live. Discover now