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'Aria!' Natalie, Brad's sister, rushes towards me and hugs me as soon as I walk into a local cafe in Birmingham where his family lives.

'Hey!' I giggle.

'It's been too long' His mum chuckles, giving me a hug after his dad hugged me.

'I missed you all' I smile as we all sit down.

'So what's the big news?' Brad's Dad got to the point. I look at Brad and he holds my hand under the table.

'Wait, you're pregnant?' His mum grins. I smile at her, nodding my head.

'Oh my god!' Natalie squeaks excitedly, so loud the whole cafe heard and looked at us. I laugh at her.

'Yeah we just found out a few days ago' Brad explains.

'Congratulations' His Dad hugs us both again.

'We're gonna be grandparents' His mum grins widely.


We arrive back at my house, happy but exhausted.

'How did it go?' My mum asks. We walk into the kitchen, seeing the others eat their dinner. I swear they think they live here.

'It went so well. They're happy for us' Brad replies, smiling so hard.

'That's great news!' Liv cheers. We all head up to my bedroom after they finish eating their dinner, and started to discuss baby names. They're all so excited and I haven't even been to my first scan yet.

'If it's a girl, Darcy' I smile.

'That's a cute name' Brad agrees with me.

'Thank god you're agreeing' Tristan laughs.

'If it's a boy?' Brad asks, waiting for me to reply.

'You choose' I smile. He grins, looking so excited.

''What about Mason or Ryan?' He suggests.

'Mason sounds cute. We could call him Mase for short' I reply.

'Yes' Brad high fives me.

'You guys are too cute for me to handle. Stop!' Liv laughs.

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