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'Hey' Tristan softly speaks, walking into the room.

'Hi' I reply groggily as I only just woken up.

'How you feeling?' He asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.

'Fine' I shrug my shoulders.

'Come on' He sighs, not believing a word from my mouth.

'I'm recovering from an accident, how do you expect me to feel?' I ask, raising my eyebrow.

'Okay sorry. It was a stupid question I know' He looks down and shakes his head in embarrassment. I slowly sit up and leans towards him to give him an apologetic hug.

'I love you tris' I hug him as tight as I could.

'Love you too aria' He sniffs, pulling away from me and stands up.

'Are you okay?' I ask, worried.

'Yeah' He quietly talks.

'No. You're crying' I slowly get out of my bed and walks towards him.

'I thought I was gonna lose you' He looks at me with a tear rolling down his warm cheeks. Hearing this gives me pain in my chest.

'But you haven't. I'm still here' I force a smile, wrapping my arms around him.

'I don't know what I would do without you' His voice breaks, resting his chin on my head.

'You'll be fine without me. More like what would I do without you' I sigh as we both sit on the bed.

'No I mean it. I know we have our moments but you mean everything to me, you're my baby sister and I can't stand seeing you hurt' He says, not able to look at me covered in bruises.

'I'll be fine, I've got you and others by my side' I grin.


'I can't wait to get this cast off my leg' I laugh, sitting down on the couch next to Liv and Connor.

'Not long' Brad gently smiles.

'I know' I smile back at him.

'Have you heard from Bailey?' James asks me. I shake my head in response.

'I wanna go to the beach' I whine, pouting.

'You're supposed to be resting' Brad warns.

'I know but we're going back home Friday and I wanna go to the beach one last time before we go' I explain.

'We'll go tomorrow' Con grins, nodding his head.

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