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'You're honestly the best boyfriend' Tristan chuckles.

'What a lovely thing to say to your best friend when he gets back from holiday' Brad laughs, shaking his head.

'Yes. He really is' I smile at him.

'And your sister is the best person alive, no offence to you guys' He smirks, kissing my forehead.

'How was Blackpool?' Charlotte asks.

'Oh it was amazing!' I excitedly reply.

'I'm glad. You deserved it' She smiles.

'Anyone wanna go Nando's, I'm starving' Connor interrupts our conversation.

'Ooh yesss' Brad pats his tummy and pushes me off onto the floor.

'Ow' I frown.


'Brad can you get me a drink please' I grin. I still can't believe the boys had managed to take us to the pub after dinner.

'Okay milady' He chuckles, walking away through the crowd. While waiting for Brad, I try to look for Tristan but he was nowhere to be seen. Probably somewhere with a girl.

'Aria' I hear someone shouting my name over the loud music.

'Yeah?' I ask, turning around facing Liv.

'Have you seen Connor?' She asks with a panicked look on her face. I furrow my eyebrows concerned.

'No I haven't. What happened? I ask, grabbing her hand and takes us to the ladies.

'He's had a bit too much to drink, some girl bought him a drink and then her hands were all over him. He looked at me then just grabbed her ass' Her voice shakes.

'What? He wouldn't do that' I gasp. She nods her head, wiping the tears off of her face.

'He's drunk' I sigh.

'Still' She shrugs her shoulders, walks out of the ladies and put on a smile.

'Hey you disappeared I got worried' Brad taps my shoulder from behind and hands me my drink.

'Sorry. Thank you. Have you seen Connor?' I ask.

'Yeah he's with someone at the bar' He replies.

'A girl?' I question. He nods his head.

'I would go up to them but I wanted to see if you were okay' He says, wrapping his arm around my waist.

'Liv's upset. He touched her ass and left her by herself' I explain, putting my hand on top of his hand on my waist.

'Oh dear, really?' He gasps.

'Yeah' I sigh, shaking my head in disbelief and annoyance.

'Aria, Liv's kissing a boy in the gents!' James rushed over to me. I put my hands on my head, shocked. Why the hell is she in the gents bathroom?! James and Brad runs into the toilets while I wait outside, until they give me the clear that no other guys are in there.

'Come on' Brad takes my hand and I see a guy groping her ass and sticking his tongue down her throat.

'What the hell are you doing?!' James grabs Liv off of the guy. I gasp when I see his face.

'Harley??' Brad clutches his fists. I hold his hand, looming up at him to calm him down.  

'Wow' I sigh, looking at Liv who starts giggling. I roll my eyes and walks away, letting go of Brad's hand.

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