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'Can we just stay in and eat pizza?' I sigh, watching the raindrops patter on my window.

'Yes of course we can' Brad chuckles, wrapping his arms around me.

'You're so warm' I smile, burying my head into his chest. I hear his chuckle and hugs me tighter.

'What are we doing today?' I ask.

'Staying in and eating pizza' He replies.

'Aren't you going out with the boys tonight though?' I ask.

'Oh yeah' He nods his head.

'You gonna leave me' I pout and folds my arms to my chest.

'Liv and Bailey will be here' He smiles.


'Hashtag relationship goals' Bailey giggles as she walks into the kitchen while Brad and I are stuffing our faces with pizza. 

'Do you want some?' I ask her. She nods her head and I give her a slice.

'I feel sick' I groan.

'I'll get you a glass of water' Brad says, standing up from his seat and walks over to the sink.

'Thank you' I smile.

'You can have the rest' I chuckle, letting Bailey eat.

'Brad we're leaving at 6. Get ready' Tristan says. Brad gives me a glass of water

'Yes boss' Brad laughs.

'Are you really going to leave me?' I frown again.

'I don't have a choice' He pouts.

'Go and get ready' I chuckle.

'I'll be back about 10' He says before leaving the kitchen.

'That's too early' I hear Tris whine at Brad as they head upstairs. Bailey and I laugh at it.

'Sooo, how's the pregnancy going?' Bailey asks.

'So far so good. Got my first scan on Friday' I squeal excitedly.

'I can't believe it's been 12 weeks already' She gasps.

'I know!' I grin widely.

'Is Brad excited about the scan?' She asks.

'Very. He won't stop going on about it' I laugh.



'Come on' Connor cheers, watching Tristan chug down a litre of whatever alcohol they're having.

'Lighten up a bit' James whisper in my ear.

'What? I'm okay, I'm just tired' I laugh. 

'I know you're worried about Aria but she's fine, she's got Liv and Bailey' He says.

'I know' I reply.

'Hey boys' A female walks towards us.

'James she's all yours' I chuckle, pushing him into her.

'Nah I'm alright thanks' James awkwardly chuckles.

'I just wanted to know if you want a drink?' She asks, confused.

'No thanks. Where's my phone?' I ask, starting to panic as I could not feel my phone in my pockets.

'Connor has them. You gave it to him, remember?' James says. 

'Oh yeah' I laugh.

'Oi Con, pass me my phone please' I say.

'Uh oh voicemails from your girl' Connor gasps as he gives me my phone. I look at the time and it reads 02:44am.

'Brad where are you? You said you'd be back at 10. It's 11 o'clock now. I'm getting worried' I listen to Aria's voicemails. I start to ring her but my phone has just died.

'I would hand you my phone but it's dead as well' James sighs.

'Right, I'm going home' I say.

As I arrive back at Aria's house, I quietly unlock the door and closes behind me. All lights are off. I tiptoe upstairs to Aria's room and can see Bailey and Liv fast asleep on the floor. Why are they not sleeping on the bed with her? Aria is fast asleep, I carefully climb into bed and wraps my arms around her.

'I'm sorry' I whisper in her ear and kisses her cheek.

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