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It's already been a few days since Bailey has left us and everything's changed. I've not seen or spoke to Aria, because she's shutting us out. I'm really worried about her, I don't want her thinking that she's alone, I'm always gonna be there for her no matter what.

I walk along the river near my house, to get some space and just have time to myself and think about things. By that, I mean Aria. I sit down on the grass beside the river, staring at a bright yellow flower, which I assume is a buttercup, opposite me.

'Look at who's got no friends anymore' A familiar voice laughs, I roll my eyes at the voice and turns.

'Hello Paige' I grimace. She rolls her eyes back at me.

'Your friends finally decided to leave you?' One of her friends, Hannah, chuckles.

'You're so funny' I bluntly reply.

'They did, did they?' Paige asks with a smirk.

'No. Just stay out of it, it's none of your business' I sigh, standing up. Suddenly,  a fist connects with my face.

'That's for hitting my boyfriend at Bailey's party' She smirks, then walks away with her friends. I roll my eyes, touching my nose to see if it's bleeding and it is. I hurry back to my house but there's no one in and I've left my house keys inside. I sigh, making my way quickly to Tristan's house as it's only a street away.

'Woah what happened?' Tristan asks, opening the front door and lets me in.

'Paige. I'll tell you when I clean my nose. Can I use the bathroom?' I quickly ask. He nods his head in response and I run upstairs.

'Brad?' Aria whispers. Her bedroom door is wide open and she was sat at her desk, which faces her door but it's open so she could see me.

'Hey' I say, with tissues against my nose. She walks quickly towards me, looking frightened and worried.

'Who did this to you?' She gasps, putting her hands on my cheeks and furrowing her eyebrows.

'Paige' I quickly reply, looking away.

'That bitch' She groans, putting her head in her hands. I look in the bathroom mirror to check my nose, I chuck the bloody tissues in the toilet, flushes them and quickly washes my hands.

'Hey' I gently speak, walking into Aria's bedroom as she's sat on her bed, looking really sad.

'I just really hate her' She sighs, looking away. I sit next to her, rubbing my hand on her back as she starts to cry. My heart races so fast, I've never actually seen her cry.

'Babe, what's wrong?' I ask, squeezing her tightly in my arms.



Why did I cry in front of him?! I couldn't hold the tears in anymore, everything just got too much.

'I'm fine' I speak as I bury my head into his chest.

'You're crying and you're saying you're fine. You're such a liar' Brad speaks, resting his chin on my head as we're still hugging. I don't ever want to let go of him.

'Ever since I got suspended, Paige has been telling people that I slept with every guy in our year and now whenever I'm at work, all these guys keep coming to me and just tries to do stuff to me' My voice slightly breaks.

'What did they do?' He asks, pulling away  to look at me.

'Stroke my hair, touch my thigh and bum' I sigh, not wanting to look at him. I could see on his face that he's angry.

'Wait, are you supposed to be working today?' He asks, raising an eyebrow.

'Called in sick' I lie. I quit yesterday and if I tell anyone, they'll think I'm weak and a quitter.

'Have you told anyone about the guys?' He questions. I shake my head in response.

'I don't want to talk about it anymore' I quickly speak, stopping him from saying more things.

'I'm going downstairs with Tristan, if you need me, send me a message and I'll come up' He smiles, standing up.

'No. Stay' I look at him, even though my eyes are teary and red.

'Okay' He smiles reassuringly. I lay in my bed and he lays beside me, with my head on his chest.

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