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A few months have passed...

'So it's almost your birthday' Mum says, reminding me that I'm getting old.

'Yay' I cheer sarcastically.

'You're turning into a beautiful young adult' She smiles before leaving the house to work.

'Well that was a bit weird' I turn to Tristan, and we both laugh.

My beautiful lady' Brad grins widely, giving me a big hug.

'Eurgh get a room' Tris rolls his eyes.

'Erm we're in a room' I reply.

'Got any plans for your birthday?' Brad asks, trying to avoid the awkward tension between me and Tris.

'Er no' I reply, shaking my head.

'Well you better start planning, you're gonna be 18, it should be special' Tris says.

'Yeah you're only 18 once' Brad smirks. I roll my eyes jokingly.

'Okay I'll plan it later. I'm tired' I sigh, lying down on the sofa in Brad's arms.

'Get some sleep' Brad whispers. I close my eyes and rest my head on his chest.

'Why do you have to be so damn pretty?' Liv randomly asks me, watching me do my makeup in the mirror.

'Erm thanks I guess but you're so much prettier!' I reply. She shakes her head violently.

'I mean yeah I know I'm good looking, but compared to you I look trash' She laughs, coming to sit next to me on the floor.

'Hey will you girls hurry up?' Con says, standing outside my room.

'You can come in you know' I chuckle. I see him take a step forward, now standing in my doorframe.

'You can't rush a girl who's doing their makeup!' Liv exclaims exaggeratedly.

'I haven't even done my hair or my outfit yet' I laugh.

'Seriously' Con says with a straight face.

'Yeah. Seriously' I grin cheekily.

'Why am I even surprised' Connor laughs, heading back downstairs. Liv and I chuckle and start getting ready.

'Aria' I hear Brad shout from downstairs.

'Yeah?!' I reply.

'Hurry up!' He laughs.

'No!' I shout.

'We're all ready waiting for you guys!' He replies.

'We haven't even started on our hair yet!' Liv joins in on the screaming.

'How about you stop screaming and let them get ready' I hear James yelling, making me chuckle.

'Thank you James' Liv shouts.

'Shut up and hurry up!' James yells. I could hear the boys bursting into laughter.

tired and blue /bws/ Where stories live. Discover now