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'You're such a cutie!' I exclaim, watching Brad walk into my room with flowers. I walk towards him with the biggest smile on my face.

'I love you' He gives me a kiss before sitting down on my bed. I take the flowers off of him and place them in a vase on my desk.

'I love you too. You're in a good mood today' I chuckle, sitting down beside him.

'I've got you, I'm always in a good mood' He grins.

'That's true' I laugh.

'Did you hear about James and Charlotte?' He asks, changing the subject very quickly.

'Yeah I feel so bad for the both of them. They were good together' I sigh.

'I know, I don't know why James broke up with her, he did love her' He replies, shrugging his shoulders.

'Is that why you bought me flowers? To make sure I won't break up with you?' I say, making him laugh.

'No, of course not silly' He kisses the tip of my nose and lays down.

'Good because I will never ever break up with you' I smile, lying down as well.

'You're oxygen, I can't breathe without you' He holds my hand tightly and I rest my head on his chest.

'You're so adorable' I coo.

'It's true. I can't go a day without you by my side, I can't stop thinking about you, I constantly want you in my arms and I can't imagine you with another guy' He says. I turn my head and look at him,

'I'm not going to be with another guy ever' I hug him.

'Good' He grins.

'You idiot' I giggle.


'Who's coming?' James asks.

'We all will' I smile, standing up from the floor.

'I'm tired though' Liv whines.

'Then don't come' I laugh.

'You ain't leaving me alone. I'm coming' She chuckles. We all get in the taxi and make our way to a bar.

I'm sorry this chapter is short. Pls comment ideas of what you want to see in this story x

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